1. Transforming Trauma: Expert Tips for Mental Health & Personal Growth Dr. Constance Leyland 53:18

In this episode, I’m taking an expert’s advice on mental health and how to shift from trauma to growth. Mental health is a subject that is often taboo, but it’s important that we talk about it. This audio is designed to help you understand how trauma can Affect your mental health and how to shift from trauma to growth. I’ll be discussing topics like how to identify trauma, the mental health effects of trauma, how to handle trauma, and how to grow from trauma. If you’re struggling with mental health or want to learn more about how to shift from trauma to growth, then this podcast is for you! I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you to understand and address your mental health. Here is the full video of this interview: https://youtube.com/live/IiJOQnIOMZM un edited/uncut.

Constance Leyland Host of Level Up Podcast

I am a serial educator, opportunities designer, and a compassionate leader. I am a professor in business for a decade. I own my own business creating programs for professional development bridging the gap between theories you learn in college and the real world skills needed to be employed. I also run my podcast which can be heard in 42 nations and counties as of today. I am #121 listened to in Apple podcast out of 2.4 million. I am in 13 distribution channels as of today.