HushLoudly’s Jeri Bingham speaks with Carmen Panlilio, PhD, who uses the analogy of diamonds and pearls to describe extroverts and introverts. Neither is more precious than the other, because they each have their own distinct way to shine. Tune in to hear more on this topic, and how this servant leader creates environments for her teams to shine.
Jeri Bingham is an introvert advocate and strategist, and the founder of HushLoudly: Introverts Redefined, an award-winning WGN Radio podcast and brand. Dedicated to amplifying the voices of introverts in a world that celebrates and rewards the most extroverted, Jeri is on a mission to empower through education and understanding, for what she believes is the most ill-defined, misunderstood personality type.
Jeri is an adjunct lecturer for Northwestern University where she teaches Organizational Behavior: Managing Diversity & Inclusion. She is also a certified Myers Briggs (MBTI) practitioner and facilitator who speaks frequently on the topic of personality types, specifically introversion, to organizations, colleges and universities. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.