1. Working, Community Care, and Advocating with Aisha Adkins - Caregiver Spotlight Elizabeth Miller 1:04:54

Aisha Adkins is an only child caring for her parents. Her mom has Frontal Temporal Dementia, and her dad has suffered multiple strokes. Aisha’s career is the Constituency Organizer for Caring Across Generations. She is a storyteller, advocate, international speaker, and passionate about building an equitable, inclusive, and comprehensive public health and care infrastructure. She enjoys classic film, live music, and the great outdoors when she is not trying to affect positive systemic change.

In this episode, we talk about the nuances of being a young Caregiver and only child, small yet impactful care advocacy steps can we take, community care, acceptance, managing expectations, and sipping tea.

Enjoy the show!

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Elizabeth Miller Happy Healthy Caregiver