Mark Wigginton helps job hunters and career changers move from thought to action through his Coaching practice, Focusing On Results. His expertise in sales and psychology helps clients navigate change, identify strengths, and take action.
His own experience with unexpected career change and entrepreneurship ups and downs makes him uniquely positioned to support his clients as they take their next step. Mark is a Certified Professional Coach and a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Follow him on LinkedIn at his website
Author, investor, life/business/retirement coach, Psychotherapist, podcast host, marriage counselor, and so much more, all wrapped under one person. Dealing with challenges in life? I am here to help. Difficulties in relationships? I can assist. Hard to find yourself in life? That is still something i can help with. No matter what you deal with, always know there is a solution around the corner, and i will always stand in that corner. Do not hesitiate to ask. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.