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189 Retroscope 2024 to Telescope 2025 with the Dancing Doc and Multitasking Mompreneur

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Dr. Gillian Lockitch189 Retroscope 2024 to Telescope 2025 with the Dancing Doc and Multitasking Mompreneur
  1. 189 Retroscope 2024 to Telescope 2025 with the Dancing Doc and Multitasking Mompreneur Dr. Gillian Lockitch 38:30


EPISODE 189 This special NEW YEAR edition of the GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER is co-hosted by The Bionic Dancing Doc, Dr. Gillian Lockitch, and the Multitasking Mompreneur, Amanda Lockitch, who also co-hosts the Disability with Possibility podcast. They discuss the evolution of the Growing Older, Living Younger podcast, which explores longevity, healthy Aging through science, medicine, and traditional healing arts. Dr. Gillian, a retired medical specialist, and author of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably, tells how her recovery and rehabilitation after spinal surgery, inspired her interest in epigenetic science, and her desire to share the ideas that simple Lifestyle bio hacks can change aspects of aging at the cellular level. Since the podcast launched in April 2021, weekly episodes broadly highlight seven key areas in wellness, beauty and longevity that promote Super-Aging. These include genetic and wellness blueprints, approaches to nutrition, physical fitness, mind and brain health, community and Relationships, and actively challenging mind and body. From an array of entertaining , motivating and inspiring episodes, too many to describe in this New Year special, episodes that stand out for practical application, include conversations on Sleep, cognitive health, and prevention of falls and fractures. Looking forward, the theme of the Growing Older Living Younger podcast for 2025 is that Age is Just A  Number, and that the powerful key to healthy longevity is the Mindset of Belief that Anything is Possible. 

Episode Timeline:

0:01 Introduction to the special New Year podcast

10:40 Overview of Podcast Episodes and Key Themes

14:09 Nutrition and Physical Fitness

19:46 Mindset, Mindfulness, and Brain Health

25:39 Beauty, Ageism, Community and Connection

29:07 Choosing Challenges and Key Takeaways

30:34 Reflections and Closing Remarks

About The Multitasking Mompreneur. Amanda Lockitch co-hosts the Disability with Possibility podcast, is a business entrepreneur in the wellness, beauty and anti-aging sphere, is practiced in theatre and film creative arts, a disability advocate and most important to her, a mom.

Action Steps: Download your Gifts:

E Book:  7 Keys Guide to Living Younger Longer

E Book: Guide to Mind and Memory Boosting Strategies 

Schedule an exploratory call with Dr. Gillian Lockitch.    

Episode List for 2024 By Category

Dr. Gillian Lockitch is an international speaker, author of Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably, and host of the Growing Older, Living Younger Podcast. As a dual-certified Specialist in Paediatrics and Medical Biochemistry and Professor at the University of British Columbia, her professional career was rooted in science. During her rehabilitation from life-saving emergency spinal surgery, her passion to be able to dance again led her to explore the intersection of medical and epigenetic science with non-Western healing traditions, to understand how to change aging at the cellular level. Within the Growing Older, Living Younger Project, the Change Your Aging Masterplan cycle is a year-long 3 part coaching program to preserve mind and brain, build your best body, and to survive and thrive in your environment. At 70 Dr. Lockitch became a first time entrepreneur, building a global online business with the premiere wellness and beauty company, to help others extend their healthspan, stay vibrant, active, and independent as they age. Now retired from medical practice, Dr. Lockitch is an empathetic coach and mentor but does not diagnose, treat or prescribe for medical diseases.


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