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November 4th, 2023

RH Thomson and The World Remembers, Author Taras Grescoe, US Housing Market

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RH Thomson and The World Remembers, Author Taras Grescoe, US Housing Market
  1. RH Thomson and The World Remembers, Author Taras Grescoe, US Housing Market 27:00

Actor RH Thomson updates us on The World Remembers project, which aims to name every soldier who lost their life in World War 1, regardless of the army they fought with, and his new book, By the Ghost Light. Author Taras Grescoe and his new book The Lost Supper, a deep dive into the archaeology of food, plus Take 5 With RBC looks at the US Housing Market.

Kathy Buckworth is the creator, host, and writer for the Go-To Grandma radio show and podcast. She is also the author of six parenting books, and contributes regularly to television and radio stations across Canada. She has four grown children, and two grandsons, with a granddaughter on the way.


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