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December 12th, 2024 Mature Content

169. Hope That Won’t Die: A COVID Survivor’s Story with Craig Andrews

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  1. 169. Hope That Won’t Die: A COVID Survivor’s Story with Craig Andrews Lori Saitz 1:01:35

You’ve probably experienced Sleep paralysis at some point – that weird “twilight zone” where you’re caught between the conscious world and the world of dreams, aware of your surroundings but noticing they have weird shapes.

Usually you can break out of sleep paralysis within a few seconds and after catching your breath, you’re fully aware you’re awake again and safe from whatever monster was trying to get you. But imagine being in that twilight zone for more than six weeks, where even though you’re trying to scream and wake yourself up, there’s no way out!

This is where Craig Andrews found himself a few weeks into his COVID diagnosis.

Craig’s wife claims he was raised by wolves. He and his brother went for long walks, built a log cabin in the woods, and lept into swimming holes filled with sea nettles and jellyfish, which can be nasty toward humans invading their space. One day, the Andrews boys miraculously found a swimming hole with no sea nettles and no jellyfish. When they told their dad, he shook his head and told them they had been swimming in sewage.

Craig’s sense of adventure may have contributed to him having low grades in school – who has time to sit around and study? It definitely contributed to him joining the Marines and serving several tours of duty abroad, then coming home to get his degree from North Carolina State. First he worked as a design engineer, which did not reward creativity. So a shift to marketing, selling semiconductors for mobile phones, was Craig’s next adventure. He kept at it, selling a product with steadily decreasing price curves, but everything seemed fine.

As you know though, Fine is a 4-Letter Word. Craig quit to start his own business when the margins got so low his employer insisted he fly coach – but that wasn’t the half of it!

On Saturday, July 31st, 2021 Craig and his wife woke up horribly sick. A week later, Karen was gasping for air. Then she got better but Craig got worse. By August 10th, Craig conceded to going to the emergency room. He couldn’t complete a sentence without taking multiple gasps of breath, and it would be another two months before he’d see Karen again. And three months before he’d leave the hospital in a wheelchair.

Despite being put on a ventilator, Craig survived. Despite being prescribed a medication for COVID that was known to cause kidney failure because the government gave bonuses to doctors for prescribing it, Craig survived.

In a moment, when you meet Craig, you’ll discover his journey through TWO worlds – the physical world where bad things were done to him and said about him in his presence while he was in a coma, and the subconscious twilight world where these experiences morphed into dystopian adventures.

Get comfy on the edge of your seat as you hear why the adventures stopped when Craig’s wife showed up, and where Craig found himself when he woke up.

Craig’s hype song is “Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)” by The Offspring.


Invitation from Lori: 

Let me ask you, if there was a simple way to reclaim your peace of mind and not feel so frazzled, would you want to know what it is? Enter the “10 Proven Habits Top Leaders Use to Stay Calm and Focused Every Day” checklist — your quick guide to creating calm, intentional days.

These practices are so incredibly simple, you’ll probably question their effectiveness. Like, how could just doing THAT alleviate my Stress?!

But take my word – and all the science and research that’s been done on these methods – implementing even ONE of these strategies will absolutely change your ability to manage your energy, embrace change, and foster resilience. PLUS, you want to cope with the distractions in your mind so you can stay focused and achieve your desired results? THIS checklist will give you the direction to do that.

Oh, and lastly, it isn’t about perfection or doing ALL the things all at once. It’s about taking each small step toward progress, one at a time, consistently. Consistency over perfection wins every time. You deserve a life where you can breathe easy and not feel like a gorilla is standing on your chest all the time.

When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, this guide is the place to start and it will give you new perspectives that can change your life starting today!

Go to right now to download it for free.

Hey, there’s Craig! He’s putting in a hell of a workout today. Let’s find out why is he enjoying a song about a loser who just doesn’t get it.

Lori Saitz Gratitude & Meditation Expert and Podcast Host

Lori Saitz is the founder and CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “Fine is a 4-Letter Word.” An award-winning author, speaker, and broadcaster, Lori is on a mission to teach the world to be calm and grounded no matter what’s going on.

High achievers come to her because they have a strong drive to be productive, but at the end of the day never feel accomplished enough. As a nationally recognized gratitude and meditation expert, Lori guides those entrepreneurs and business and community leaders from stressed and chaotic to peaceful and focused and shows them how to live a sabbatical life. Then they then start seeing sales increase, relationships strengthen, and overall health improve.

In August 2022, Lori took a month-long sabbatical road trip with her 19-year-old cat. Read her account in chapter 8 of Love Warriors: The Conscious Expert’s Guide to Healing, Joy, and Manifestation. You can often find Lori in her sanctuary, aka the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music.


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