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Scott of the Antarctic: Lizzie Meek of the Antarctic Hertiage Trust

  1. Scott of the Antarctic: Lizzie Meek of the Antarctic Hertiage Trust Daniel Mainwaring 33:47

Journey back to the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration as we recount the epic expedition led by Englishman Robert Falcon Scott, who set his sights on reaching the elusive South Pole. This audacious quest represented not only a personal ambition but a monumental step for humanity in its pursuit of the southernmost point on Earth.

Join us in this illuminating episode as we converse with Lizzie Meek, Programme Manager of Artefacts for The Antarctic Heritage Trust, a New Zealand-based charitable society. Through her expertise and the painstaking restoration efforts of her team, Lizzie provides unique insights into the final journey of the remarkable explorer.

Discover the triumphs and challenges of Scott’s mission, the historical significance of the artifacts preserved by The Antarctic Heritage Trust, and gain a deeper understanding of the enduring legacy of Antarctic exploration. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation that takes you on a historical voyage to the icy heart of the Southern continent.


This episode was produced with kind support from The Antarctic Heritage Trust and spokesperson Lizzie Meek — Acting Ross Sea Heritage Restoration Project Manager.

Sound Effects and Music: Pixabay

Scott’s Diary: Public Domain

Photo: 2017-2018 Scott’s ‘Terra Nova hut, South and West elevations. @AHT/Geoff Cooper. 2017-2018-Cape_Evans_Hut_Exterior_GC_001.JPG

For more info on the Antarctic Heritage Trust click this link: Antarctic Heritage Trust



I am a writer and podcaster from the UK based in Kansas City. I previously ran a British TV entertainment website. I also have written for the Houston Chronicle, San Fran Gate, Zack’s, Motley Fool and more. Now I focus on my podcast.

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