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MAJ Jason Wright: Protecting the Constitution at personal cost in Guantanamo Bay

  1. MAJ Jason Wright: Protecting the Constitution at personal cost in Guantanamo Bay Daniel Mainwaring 36:08

MAJ Jason Wright was forced to choose between following military orders and honoring the Constitution when tasked with defending 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Guantanamo Bay. The government and media had identified KSM as the culprit and he had freely admitted his guilt. But did his apparent guilt warrant the denial of his rights and the dismissal of elements of the US Constitution? Jason thought not and put his career on the line as he sought to do his duty. 

Aside from representing KSM, Jason also helped gain the release of a seemingly guilty but entirely innocent captive at Guantanamo Bay. We discuss these cases, Jason’s powerful stand, and the consequences for him, his clients, and the country.


Jason Wright is an assistant professor of law with the Department of Law as an Army Reserve officer, a partner at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, and an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law.

Music: Pixabay

This episode is sponsored by World History Encyclopedia, one of the top history websites on the internet. I love the fact that they’re not a Wiki: Every article they publish is reviewed by their editorial team, not only for being accurate but also for being interesting to read. The website is run as a non-profit organization, so you won’t be bombarded by annoying ads and it’s completely free. It’s a great site, and don’t just take my word for it they’ve been recommended by many academic institutions including Oxford University. Go check them out at or follow this link: World History Encyclopedia


I am a writer and podcaster from the UK based in Kansas City. I previously ran a British TV entertainment website. I also have written for the Houston Chronicle, San Fran Gate, Zack’s, Motley Fool and more. Now I focus on my podcast.

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