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Pension Decision – Lump Sum or Annuity?

  1. Pension Decision - Lump Sum or Annuity? Ari Taublieb, CFP®, MBA 16:55

Choosing between a lump sum distribution and an annuity for your pension can be one of the most pivotal financial decisions you'll ever make. What could potentially put more Money in your pocket—a flexible lump sum with inheritance potential or the security of guaranteed lifetime income with an annuity? Join us as we unpack this complex choice, exploring the benefits of each option through detailed analyses and real-world examples. Learn vital insights, such as tax implications and the optimal way to transfer a lump sum to an IRA, with guidance from our most recent client case study. 

In this episode, we'll demonstrate how a $179,000 lump sum compares to a fixed annuity over different timelines and growth scenarios. Discover how early death could affect inheritance, the advantages of maintaining flexibility for Roth conversions, and which choice aligns best with your financial goals and comfort level with investments. Whether you're leaning towards guaranteed income or eyeing potential growth, our thorough comparison aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to make an informed pension decision. Don't miss our detailed visual breakdown on YouTube for a more immersive learning experience!

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Ari Taublieb, CFP ®, MBA is the Vice President of Root Financial Partners and a Fiduciary Financial Planner specializing in helping clients retire early with confidence.

Ari Taublieb MBA - Early Retirement

Ari Taublieb, MBA is the Vice President of Root Financial Partners and a financial planner specializing in helping people navigate an early retirement. I get it...retirement sounds overwhelming (an early retirement may sound particularly overwhelming)! Does it just feel like there's so much to consider and you just want to make sure you're doing everything you can to set yourself up right? If I may ask...why do YOU want to retire early? Do you want to travel? Have you just had enough of work? Do you want to spend more time with family (or on hobbies you've been putting off)? I created this podcast to help you know when work is now optional because you have a financial strategy that tells you when you can retire. You will learn all the investing tips in this financial podcast to set up the right portfolio for your goals. You may love what you do - and if that's you, great! I'm not saying stop working. But, I am saying, wouldn't it be nice to know when you didn't HAVE to work any more? When you would only go to work because you enjoyed it (crazy concept, I know). This is the ultimate retirement podcast (specifically, early retirement!). Retiring early, also known simply as "financial freedom", is having the ability to do what you care most about, MORE!

I don't want you to work unless you ENJOY it (finances aside, for just a moment)! My goal of this podcast is to give you all the tips and strategies so you can retire EARLY. Retirement planning, investing, personal finance, tax strategy, and you'll hear case studies from my clients and exactly how I've helped them navigate the transition into retirement. What are the right investment accounts to have in retirement? I want retirement planning to be simple for you so that you can retire early and maximize your retirement goals. Become a retiree and enjoy everything you've been waiting for your whole life (and start practicing retirement today)! I release new episodes every Monday with all the strategies (you'll learn that I love examples) so you can maximize your return on life (we use money to do this).


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