Older Adults Can Help Build a Kinder World — For Themselves and Everyone Else
In this episode, Dr. Dale Atkins talks with Jan M Flynn about something many of us would love to see more of in our communities, nation, and world: Kindness. More specifically, what authentic kindness means, and how it can show up in deeper and richer ways as we age — and how that can contribute to a kinder world for us all.
Based in New York City, Dale Atkins is a licensed psychologist with more than 40 years experience as a relationship expert focusing on families, wellness, managing Stress, and living a balanced, meaningful life. Author of seven books and many chapters, articles, and journals for popular and professional audiences, Dale is a featured speaker who lectures and leads seminars worldwide. She has appeared regularly on NBC’s TODAY and CNN. Dale has a private psychology practice in New York City and has been a member of, and advisor to, several nonprofit boards, including Jumpstart for Young Children, from which she recently retired after serving twenty-two years, since its founding. She has two children and six grandchildren, and lives in Connecticut.
Show note links:
Dr. Dale Atkins website: https://www.drdaleatkins.com/
Nature Walk Talks by Dale Atkins
Books by Dr. Atkins:
The Kindness Advantage: Cultivating Compassionate and Connected Children
Sanity Savers: Tips For Women To Live a Balanced Life
Wedding Sanity Savers: How to Handle the Stickiest Dilemmas, Scrapes, and Questions That Arise on the Road to Your Perfect Dayhttps://www.drdaleatkins.com/wedding-sanity-savers-book/
I’m OK, You’re My Parents: How to Overcome Guilt, Let Go of Anger, and Create a Relationship That Works
From the Heart: Men and Women Write Their Private Thoughts About Their Married Lives