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May 16th, 2024

The Role of Empathy in Advancing Patient Outcomes

  1. The Role of Empathy in Advancing Patient Outcomes Keith Haney 41:34

Join the conversation with Dr. Amanda Brisebois, a visionary in healthcare leadership, as we unpack the essence of compassion and collaboration in the medical field. With a storied career that has traversed the echelons of Covenant Health as Medical Director and Associate Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Brisebois offers a treasure trove of wisdom on nurturing healthy work environments and the importance of humility in healthcare leadership. Her reflections on drawing inspiration from those who serve at their own expense set the stage for an enlightening discourse on putting the needs of others at the forefront of professional ambitions.

We then navigate the nuanced art of communication between patients and their doctors, examining the mutual benefits of clarity and goal setting. Dr. Brisebois, with her background in internal and palliative medicine, provides invaluable insight into the strategies that can enhance dialogue and foster a team-based approach to healthcare. Discover the significance of asking the right questions, aligning goals, and the critical nature of finding a physician who is a true partner in your health journey. The conversation extends to the challenges healthcare professionals face and how adopting these communicative techniques can lead to more successful outcomes for patients.

Our discussion culminates with an exploration of diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare, highlighting how these crucial aspects can shape better healthcare outcomes. Dr. Brisebois shares practical advice on engaging in impactful conversations that bridge gaps and encourage sensitivity and respect. We also reflect on the power of self-reflection and methodical communication in resolving conflicts, both in the workplace and beyond. The episode is a heartfelt reminder that our actions, no matter how small, contribute to building a better future for the generations that follow, particularly in the realm of healthcare.

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I am a servant-leader who is adept at wearing multiple hats. In addition to hosting a captivating podcast and writing a thought-provoking blog, Keith brings a wealth of experience and knowledge.

I have over 30 years of experience in church leadership, project management, and recruiting top professionals. His passion for ministry outreach shines through in every podcast episode and every blog post he writes.

Known for taking a collaborative approach I share insights and inspiring stories throughout my podcast episodes and blog posts.

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