It is rare for me to hop on the microphone without a guest, but when I feel pulled with something to share with you, I have to do it! So welcome back to Be The Good with Kate, today a short episode with what I hope is a message that sticks with you.
I may be preaching to the choir as they say, so if you, listener, are saying Yes! That’s correct! I know this already! Then perhaps forward to someone who might be able to use this as well, and let’s continue to work towards bringing the value of the arts to the forefront…
Did you grow up belting every word of the Annie, Sound of Music, and Beauty and the Beast soundtracks?
Did you spend weekends memorizing dances and lines?
Did you bond with amazing friends and families in the halls surrounding the auditorium?
Are you still waiting for your chance to play Maria in Sound of Music somewhere, anywhere??
(That last one might just be me?)
I hope you enjoy this brief episode but are also inspired by what it contains. The reminder, or perhaps realization, of all that the arts offer. It doesn’t mean we have to become professional actors (heck no!). It could mean becoming a successful mathematician. A chemist creating a new medicine. A teacher finding new ways to engage with students. A parent connecting with their child.
Listen and let me know your thoughts. Thanks to all who find ways to support the arts and recognize the way it affects our lives.
**It’s your host, Kate Cherichello Tente, here — Thanks for listening!
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– LinkedIn at Kate Cherichello Tente
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Because we need all the #goodnews we can get. **