1. Breaking Norms with Jean Peelen: A life of Defiance and Self Discovery Beverley Glazer 28:33

Jean Peelen’s story is one of defiance, transformation and self-discovery. An 82 year old lawyer, model, actress, author and activist, she’s a true trailblazer, who’s spent her life breaking the mold and challenging societal norms.

Jean delves into her fascinating journey, starting with her roots in a world where traditional roles like motherhood were considered the pinnacle of a woman’s existence. She shares candidly about feeling like an outsider and how this propelled her into a career in law, focusing on civil rights issues. Jean’s vivid recounting of her experiences in fighting for equal athletic opportunities for women and inclusion of minority children in special education will leave you inspired.

But Jean’s story doesn’t stop there. After retiring, she reinvented herself as a model and actress, finding new joy and purpose. The pinnacle of her self-discovery came with writing her memoir, “Feisty,” a transformative experience that helped her understand the arc of her life. Jean’s insights are not just her own story but her quotes are as thought-provoking as they are inspiring, highlighting the depth of her experiences and wisdom.

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Jean Peelen links:
Jean Peelen – FB personal page,
FB Group: Old Women Who Write – groupjeanpeelen1
TickToc:Jean Peelen
Linkedin: Jean Peelen

Beverley Glazer Links:

https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverleyglazer/?originalSubdomain=ca https://www.facebook.com/beverley.glazer

Talk to Bev

Free Guide to Living the Life You Want: https://reinventimpossible1.lpages.co/life-perspective-inventory

Beverley Glazer Reinvention Expert, Podcaster

You’re never too old, and it’s never too late to be who you’ve always imagined! Beverley Glazer MA., CCC., ICCAC, is a Psychotherapist, Internationally Certified Addiction Specialist, Coach and Founder of Reinvent Impossible Inc; a personal development company that educates, coaches, and empowers adults 50+ who’ve experienced life transitions, that left them feeling powerless, to bounce back with resilience and create new possibilities built on their strengths.