1. Yoga Vibes with Carleigh: Tackling Bipolar Disorder and Finding Your Happy Place Amy Taylor / Host and Carleigh Burns / Guest 28:04

In our latest episode, Amy sits down with the remarkable Carleigh, a yoga instructor and anxiety life coach with a heartwarming story. Carleigh opens up about finding solace in yoga during some pretty dark times and how it became her lifeline at just twelve years old. She takes us on a journey from her first eye-opening yoga class to an epic adventure of  training in Thailand, all shaping her road to self-acceptance with her struggle with bipolar disorder.

Her venture, Manas Mastery, is all about getting your headspace right, and she’s even got a sweet guide for tackling anxiety that Amy is super excited to try out. Their chat gets deep as both women share the ups and downs of living with bipolar, but also how they’re rocking life with the right balance of Self-Care, like smashing out some good exercise and locking in those Z’s.

It’s all laughs, life tips, and real talk that’ll leave you feeling like part of the tribe.

Don’t Forget to go to Carleigh’s website manasmastery.com to check her out or for her freebie use this direct link: http://www.manasmastery.com/freebie. 

Amy Taylor Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama

Hi, I'm an older single Mom in Missouri. I'm 53 and have a grown son with his own family and then I'm still raising a 13 year old daughter. I live a full life while having bipolar disorder, ADHD and anxiety. My daughter lives a very full life as well while having Autism, Anxiety, & ADHD. I work full time as a social worker during the day and am working towards my MBA at night. On the weekends I have started podcasting which has become a very fun hobby and helps me spread the word about mental health issues and neurodiversity and hopefully help end the stigma and spread some hope.