The Holidays mean different things to different people, particularly Christmas. Hopefully each and every one of you has the opportunity to spend it with friends and family and the people who you love!
If we take out the commercialization of Christmas, it gets very basic! It is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Hopefully it is a wonderful time of year for everyone!
Here are my links:
Cancer Conquering Community on Zoom – every Thursday at 12:00pm est – please message me for info
Please join me for my Christmas message!
Special "THANK YOU" to Shannon Lee-Sin who created the virtual Christmas tree, with members of our Cancer Conquering Community!
#cancer #cancerjourney #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancerlove #cancerfamily #cancerwarrior #cancereducation #cancerconqueringcommunity #positive #positivereinforcement #positiveaffirmations #2byourownhero #cancerconqueringcommunity is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.