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December 30th, 2024

My AMAZING Mother Who Spread Light And Positivity During Cancer

Ligia Chacon Hernandez had an AMAZING mother, one who thought more of others, than herself, while battling Cancer!  Without question, Ligia’s mother definitely rubbed off on her!

In fact, her mother would be very proud of her indeed!  

Ligia is from the beautiful country of Costa Rica, and recently moved back there from Canada.  Ligia is a part of our Cancer Conquering Community, where we meet every Thursday at 12pm est.  If you are interested in finding more about the Cancer Conquering Community, please message me here, on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

Here are Ligia’s links:



Join us for this incredibly uplifting and hopeful interview that I am sure will bring a smile to your face!

#cancer #cancerjourney #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancerlove #cancerfamily #cancerwarrior #cancereducation #cancerconqueringcommunity #positive #positivereinforcement #positiveaffirmations #2byourownhero #cancerconqueringcommunity

I am a stage 4 prostate, bone, and lung cancer patient/thriver. I have been battling cancer since early 2021. I have a Youtube channel called @2byourownhero. I always look to inspire people to appreciate their life, and appreciate their health.


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