Tuesday - March 25th, 2025
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Accept My Heartfelt Thanks

This blog is being written at the end of Thanksgiving weekend in America. I hope that you had a chance to celebrate with family and friends, and I hope that you all found lots of reasons to feel grateful and give thanks.

I started thinking that I may never have adequately given thanks to those who follow me on my website and/or social media. I want to take the opportunity to do so now, and I hope you will recognize how much I appreciate your positive outlooks and your commitment to the principles of The Mental Health Gym.

Over the past several years, I’ve gotten to know many of you personally or through your responses on social media. I had thought about listing the first names of so many of you who have given me feedback in the form of Likes and Retweets and comments and helped to spread our positive message to your personal and social media friends – but I know that I would be inadvertently leaving people out. So I hope that you will accept my thanks as much as if I had shouted out your name. While I’m a bit prejudiced in the matter, I truly believe that spreading our positive message can contribute to making the world a better place.

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve also acquired a new group of people to whom I owe thanks – those who have purchased my new book – REJUVENAGING: THE ART AND SCIENCE OF GROWING OLDER WITH ENTHUSIASM; especially those who have given me 5 Star ratings and good reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads – where the book is currently ranked #1 in several listopia categories and highly rated in others.

In the very near future, I will be demonstrating my thanks more tangibly. The Mental Health Gym website is currently being revised, and will have more products that will be free for members, and I’m reactivating the members” newsletter that has been dormant for awhile. Down the road, look for some online webinars and courses, as well as books directed at a more general population. I am doing this because the positive feedback that I have received from so many of you obligates me to keep promoting The Mental Health Gym philosophy.

So please accept my heartfelt thanks and, if you owe thanks to somebody and have been negligent about expressing it, what are you waiting for?

Ron Kaiser, Ph.D. Psychologist, Educator, Author, Podcaster

Ron Kaiser, Ph.D., is a positive health psychologist, coach, author, podcaster, educator, consultant, and speaker. He has been in practice for more than five decades, including 25 years as Director of Psychology at the world-famous Jefferson Headache Center at Thomas Jefferson University. As an innovative thought leader in the field, he has developed the concepts of THE MENTAL HEALTH GYM, GOAL-ACHIEVING PSYCHOTHERAPY (GAP), THE TYPE P PERSONALITY, and REJUVENAGING®.


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