Ilene combines more than 50 years in Nursing and 25 years in vibration healing to create a holistic approach to clearing energy blocks and promoting healing. She helps an international clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with fear,self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors, and self-worth issues to experience inner peace self-confidence, empowerment, and Clarity about their soul’s purpose.
Key Points:
All of us have challenges, and how we perceive them and choose to heal them determines our path on this amazing, human journey called life.
Ilene Gottlieb identifies herself as the Heart Healer, and as such, she seeks to remind us to BE a loving presence in our relationship with ourselves first, for who we are BEing in this relationship IS the key that unlocks everything that we perceive as limiting us.
In this interview, Ilene shares how consciously connecting to our hearts, from the holistic perspective, is an amazing tool for creating balance on all levels and for relieving Stress and its effects on the body, regardless of the cause.
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