Sometimes, the more we hope, the less likely it will occur. Key points Hope has prevented us from preparing for the “worst” since man developed the ability to think. Even fish have an advantage over us: They don’t hope; they act. We should be at least as smart as fish. Some practitioners of positive psychology […]
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I am a person living with cancer, a Professor Emeritus who for more than 25 years taught, provided therapy, researched, and published in the areas of learning problems, communication disorders, loss, change, and end-of-life issues. For eight years I was a bedside hospice volunteer and currently counsel caregivers.
More than 200 free articles on topics that affect seniors appear on my website, I also have authored nine books, the latest PREVENTING SENIOR MOMENTS: HOW TO STAY ALERT INTO YOUR 90S AND BEYOND is available from all online booksellers and can be ordered through brick-and-mortar stores. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.