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Mother’s Day: A Celebration of Women’s Power to Create

Mother’s Day: A Celebration Of Women’s Power To Create &Raquo; Women 1784755 1920 1024X678 2

Mother’s Day is a celebration of the women in our lives—the mothers who gave us birth and those who lovingly assume that role in surprising and unsuspecting ways. It is the one day of the year when most of us make a pause to offer flowers, candy and lavish gifts and express love and gratitude for all they do and mean to us.

But Mother’s Day can be a painful day for many—those whose mothers have died or are ill… For women who have lost their children or are estranged from them. And, mostly ignored, women who want to be mothers but have not been blessed with the opportunity to parent a child.

Whether you’re Nursing an infant or caring for an elderly mother in diapers–or if you have no children of your own—celebrate Mother’s Day with reckless abandon.

Read on for some simple ideas to spend a joyful time—on your own or with others.

Mother’s Day is not a holiday exclusively for women with living mothers and loving children.

Mother’s Day is a celebration of women’s innate power to create and love.

Do not think me an idealist or a whack job. I do not have children and my mother died five years ago. To top it off, my godmother, the last of my living mother figures, died in March.

Yet, I intend to enjoy Mother’s Day like never before.

I have come to the realization that being a mother extends way beyond society’s limited definition of procreation.

As women we give birth, not only to children, but to ideas and achievements, and our hearts have an infinite capacity to love more than just our offspring.

Think about this… some of the most influential women of our time did not bear children. Mother Teresa had no children, but she devoted her life to caring for the poor, the Dying and the marginalized, becoming a mother figure to all.

How many children came home to Oprah after school every day and were infused by her Wisdom and substance?

How about historical figures like Helen Keller and Rosa Parks, who stretched the limits of what’s possible?

These women, with their actions and examples, nurtured our spirits with love, courage and inspiration—a blessing to the whole world!

And there are countless others, I am sure you have role models of your own. Meditate on how these women have enriched the lives of others who were not their biological children.

With that in mind, this year I invite you to celebrate Mother’s Day in unique ways and to continue the practice every day of the year!

Here are four easy ideas!

Extend love and kindness to everyone and everything

Do you have a friend, relative or neighbor who’s lost a spouse, child or parent? Are you concerned about others who spend holidays alone or unloved?

Practice random acts of kindness.

It is as simple as uttering caring words, bringing a homemade meal, spending quality time together. Visit a nursing home and bring comfort to an elderly person who has no one to visit him or her.

Those are the things most treasured by people who are hurting and they take very little effort on your part.

Remember and immortalize the women in your family

Even if the women in your life are no longer on this plane, make a point of keeping them alive. Make their traditional family recipes you cherished as a child. Share stories with your children about your family matriarchs and highlight their endearing qualities and contributions to the family and the world.

Explore and express your creativity

Be an active participant in the creative process and increase your joy exponentially!

Carve out time for yourself and have fun engaging in a craft or hobby. Make something nice for yourself, a dear one or a less fortunate person. Donate your masterpieces to charities that collect handmade goods for preemies, orphans, the elderly and shelter pets, among others.

Grab your journal and unleash your innermost thoughts and feelings, or write a poem or story.

Get your hands dirty and go in the yard and participate in creation by planting flowers or vegetables that will delight you for the rest of the season!

Adopt a pet

Who says real children have to be human? Ask any doggie-mom and she will tell you every day is Mother’s Day! My days invariably begin with an animated love fest with my girls and I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Visit your local shelter and bring home a pet that will rejoice in your love and companionship.

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate Mother’s Day, make it a day to express unlimited love and unleash your innate power to create!

Mother’s Day: A Celebration Of Women’s Power To Create &Raquo; Mothers Day 3247144 1920 300X155 2
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

SoniaMother’s Day: A Celebration Of Women’s Power To Create &Raquo; Casual Headshot 150X150 2 Frontera is a family attorney, empowerment trainer and full-time doggie mom. She is the proud survivor of an unhappy marriage, a liberating divorce and is living proof that there’s life after separation.  Sonia is the author of the #1 bestseller “Solve the Divorce Dilemma: Do You Keep Your Husband or Do You Post Him on Craigslist?”

She loves to hear from readers and can be reached at her internet home.

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The post Mother’s Day: A Celebration of Women’s Power to Create appeared first on Sonia Frontera.

Originally Published on www.soniafrontera.com

Sonia Frontera Divorce Attorney, Empowerment Trainer and Bestselling Author

Sonia Frontera is a divorce lawyer with a heart. A survivor of a toxic marriage, she empowers readers to enjoy the happy lives they deserve. In her writing, she shares the wisdom collected through her personal and professional experience with compassion and love.

Sonia is a domestic violence advocate, speaker and empowerment trainer and offers inspirational workshops and retreats. She is an avid spiritual seeker and student of the masters of personal transformation. Sonia is a Canfield Certified Success Principles Trainer.

Sonia loves to hear from her readers and can be visited at www.soniafrontera.com.


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