TJ Reed and Seth Stone, co-hosts of The Business Bullseye podcast, have known each other for quite a few years. They share a passion for the human side of business and making sense of what is going on in today's chaotic business world, which is why they decided to go on this podcast journey. T.J. is an accomplished leadership development expert with a strong background in higher Education administration and consulting. Seth has worked in the corporate, higher education, and non-profit spaces throughout the last 20 years and is a professor of business and Innovation.
Recent Content
TJ and Seth are taking a deep look at the experience of employees as they join an organization and their experience in the first few years. They also discuss the return to office mandates and some rec…
TJ and Seth are taki…
TJ and Seth are taking a deep look at the experience of employees as they join an organization and their experience in the first few years. They also discuss the return to office mandates and some recent findings post implementation.
Is Change Management just controlled chaos? TJ and Seth discuss this in part two this week.
Is Change Management…
Is Change Management just controlled chaos? TJ and Seth discuss this in part two this week.
Is Change Management just controlled chaos? TJ and Seth discuss this in part one this week.
Is Change Management…
Is Change Management just controlled chaos? TJ and Seth discuss this in part one this week.
This week, TJ and Seth discuss how controllable human behavior is in an organization. It's leadership, development, and getting people on the same page.
This week, TJ and Se…
This week, TJ and Seth discuss how controllable human behavior is in an organization. It's leadership, development, and getting people on the same page.
Find a way. Our special guest this week is Merril Hoge. Merril was a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Chicago Bears before he pivoted in life toward broadcasting, public speaking, writing,…
Find a way. Our spec…
Find a way. Our special guest this week is Merril Hoge. Merril was a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Chicago Bears before he pivoted in life toward broadcasting, public speaking, writing, and entrepreneurship. He shares great insights on parenting, what he learned from great coaches, and the importance of great communication in leadership. You're in for a treat this week. Let us know what you're applying from this week's episode by emailing us at or text us at 757-354-1543.
TJ Reid and Seth Stone discuss Office Politics - a really tough subject that many people have opinions on. Are they important to your success in the workplace? Please email us at thebusinessbullseye@g…
TJ Reid and Seth Sto…
TJ Reid and Seth Stone discuss Office Politics - a really tough subject that many people have opinions on. Are they important to your success in the workplace? Please email us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543.
Over the next 2 weeks, you'll learn more about the professional experiences that made Seth and TJ who they are. We would love to hear your story. Please email us at or by…
Over the next 2 week…
Over the next 2 weeks, you'll learn more about the professional experiences that made Seth and TJ who they are. We would love to hear your story. Please email us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Over the next 2 weeks, you'll learn more about the professional experiences that made Seth and TJ who they are. We would love to hear your story. Please email us at or by…
Over the next 2 week…
Over the next 2 weeks, you'll learn more about the professional experiences that made Seth and TJ who they are. We would love to hear your story. Please email us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Ah, the old chicken and the egg debate. Is it more important to focus on mission first or people first? Share you thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Ah, the old chicken …
Ah, the old chicken and the egg debate. Is it more important to focus on mission first or people first? Share you thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
In this review of our earlier episode on goal setting, TJ and Seth want to set you up for success for the second half of the year.
In this review of ou…
In this review of our earlier episode on goal setting, TJ and Seth want to set you up for success for the second half of the year.
Today's special guest is Scott D'Amico, President at Communispond. We are talking about the idea that Overcommunicating can be just as bad as undercommun…
Today's special gues…
Today's special guest is Scott D'Amico, President at Communispond. We are talking about the idea that Overcommunicating can be just as bad as undercommunicating. Join the conversation on LinkedIn, email us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Calling all people who have interviewed for a job - TJ and Seth want to hear the wrong questions you've been asked or the most intriguing. Comment on LinkedIn, email us at…
Calling all people w…
Calling all people who have interviewed for a job - TJ and Seth want to hear the wrong questions you've been asked or the most intriguing. Comment on LinkedIn, email us at or text us at 757-354-1543.
This is an interesting topic - "Sometimes it's impossible to manage your emotions". TJ and Seth dive into the importance of understanding your emotions and expressing them well in the workplace. Liste…
This is an interesti…
This is an interesting topic - "Sometimes it's impossible to manage your emotions". TJ and Seth dive into the importance of understanding your emotions and expressing them well in the workplace. Listen in and share your thoughts by emailing us or by texting us at 757-354-1543.
TJ and Seth look deep inside this week as well as to the people around us to decide if self awareness is a team sport. Please let us know your thoughts at or by texting u…
TJ and Seth look dee…
TJ and Seth look deep inside this week as well as to the people around us to decide if self awareness is a team sport. Please let us know your thoughts at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Seth and TJ are joined this week by NY-barred attorney and Legal editor, Mandy Sherman-Stone. They discuss the intricacies and cultural aspects of implementing a 4 day work week. We'd love to hear you…
Seth and TJ are join…
Seth and TJ are joined this week by NY-barred attorney and Legal editor, Mandy Sherman-Stone. They discuss the intricacies and cultural aspects of implementing a 4 day work week. We'd love to hear your feedback by email at or by texting us at 757-354-1543.
In today's episode, TJ and Seth dive into the importance of word of mouth marketing in advancing your business. Please share your thoughts with us at or by texting us at …
In today's episode, …
In today's episode, TJ and Seth dive into the importance of word of mouth marketing in advancing your business. Please share your thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
In today's episode, TJ and Seth dive into the question on everyone's mind- Do we need to be in an office to build camaraderie? Please share your thoughts with us at or by…
In today's episode, …
In today's episode, TJ and Seth dive into the question on everyone's mind- Do we need to be in an office to build camaraderie? Please share your thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Are you an agile learner? Why are so many job descriptions expecting people to be agile learners? Please share your thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543
Are you an agile lea…
Are you an agile learner? Why are so many job descriptions expecting people to be agile learners? Please share your thoughts with us at or by texting us at 757-354-1543