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Bloggers begin summer with shopping, making summer plans, travel, and other fun

Img_2926On Memorial Day, I rushed over to REI to see what I could find at its “biggest sale of the year.” REI’s clothing, shoes, and other items are so expensive I only buy things when they’re on sale.

I found a pair of sandals that I like, Keens, $97. Also the sleeping bag that I use when I Travel is decades old. So I bought one on sale, $127.

While I picked shopping as a way to start the summer, here’s what my blogger friends were up to as the new season unfolds:

Very small things to do for summer fun

Have you heard of the teacup list? Instead of the Bucket List with its dramatic, “before-I-die” goals, we have the teacup list. Instead of feeling panicked you haven’t gone on that cross-country road trip or hiked Thailand, or parachuted in the Gobi Desert, you shrink all expectations. Here, in no particular order are the small (O.K., very small) things Laurie Stone of Laurie Stone Writes of wishes to do this summer…

More things to do and see in Mexico

Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com loves to travel and recently went back to Los Cabos in Mexico for the second time. She added some more things to do and see there to her original post that may be helpful if you’re planning to visit in the future.

A look at Australia through TV

Carol Cassara of Carol A. Cassara Writer admits without embarrassment to sometimes having lowbrow TV habits. But this time, a secondary show she watched was food for thought about how different our values are than those of people in other countries. Read about it in “Farmer Wants Wife…in Australia?”

Fun with grandkids

Toilet training for toddlers is a big deal, reports Diane Tolley of On the Border. Even when one has finally abandoned the need for diapers, there are still the terms and procedures to master. Sometimes with amusing results…

 Vision board review

We’re coming up on the midyear and Jennifer Koshak of Unfold and Begin wants you to take a look at your vision board. Did you accomplish some goals? Are your goals all wrong? Maybe it’s time to learn how to update your vision board.

This is the Best of Boomer Blogs #817. Please check out the articles and leave a comment. Our bloggers love to hear from readers.

Originally Published on https://boomersurvive-thriveguide.typepad.com/the_survive_and_thrive_bo/

Rita Robison Consumer & Personal Finance Journalist

For more than two decades, Rita R. Robison has been a consumer and personal finance journalist making her living by finding the best bargains, calling out the crooks, and advocating for regular people just like you and me. In that time, Robison has talked to so many people who feel like their money just isn’t getting them what they want, where they want to be, or the life they thought it would.

The purpose of her blog is to help you get what you want from your money. Robison covers financial goals, budgets, debt reduction, saving, smart choices for buying goods and services, and retirement planning. You’ll also find articles on safety, such as avoiding scams, looking out for rip off companies, and getting informed on the latest recalls.


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