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How To Start a Recycling Program for Your Business

How To Start A Recycling Program For Your Business

Businesses could make a lasting impact on the environment by using greener approaches to restore balance. The most effective green method to use is recycling. Recycling materials is essential because it allows for reusing, and nothing ends up in landfills. Here’s a guide on how to start a recycling program for your business.

Determine What Goes Into the Waste Stream Most

The first step to a successful work recycling program is assessing what materials flow most often in your waste stream. It could be strictly sheet metal that flows through most. And if that’s the case, it’s essential to know what metals are recyclable and how to dispose of nonrecyclable items properly.

Host Meetings on Goal Setting for Waste Management

Any program you start up to benefit the business requires goal setting. Waste management is a time consumer, so ensuring you have a team of specialists to keep track of your goal is essential. When hosting meetings with different departments, map out a strategy that fits the recycling needs of every team. For example, the plan for the processing floor may be to utilize a system that breaks down a certain amount of metal sheets a week.

Find a Workable Waste Management Strategy

Companies constantly try different process strategies until they find one that works for them. Your trial-and-error process starts with how much waste you consume each day in the warehouse. Companies have two waste management strategies to choose from. They are single- and dual-stream waste management.

Your company might prefer single-stream, but it’s only advantageous for businesses that don’t produce high amounts of waste material. A dual-stream process will be conducive if your company has large amounts of waste to recycle monthly. Judge both strategies based on how much waste you produce. You reduce much more when selecting a method that handles heavier loads.

Educate Your Employees on Waste Management

One of the ways to start a successful recycling program at work is by offering educational opportunities for employees. Not only does the company benefit from profits after recycling companies take the waste away, but workers also learn the value and benefit greatly.

Workers have opportunities to improve their everyday workflow, including cleaning up after themselves better and being able to participate in a program with plenty of rewards. Consider offering a rewards program with prizes like gift cards and incentives.

Start the Program and Keep It Going

The last step here is to start your program and keep it going. Keep the message of going green flowing from the warehouse to management offices. This program will provide better ways for workers to maintain a cleaner environment for everyone and give future employees a better impression of work life in your company.

A recycling program could be the next endeavor in your business. It can help you create a positive impact on your work environment and the world. You’re making the best decision for your business by going green.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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