We are back this Sunday! Listen on livestream at 5pm CT/6pm ET or any time after on podcast right here!
And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE!
Keynote Speaker, President of Stackpole & Associates, Irving Stackpole, returns to the show, once again! This time, Irving will discuss with Dr. Mara information consumers need to know about ageism in long term care communities.
Irving Stackpole
And Dr. Mara will discuss empowering family caregivers and healthcare advocates in the ageist and ableist environment of our society.
Listen to the livestream and the podcast right HERE! And on Apple podcasts right HERE!
The post Sunday, July 28: Speaker, Irving Stackpole – What You Need to Know About Ageism in Long Term Care and Dr. Mara – Supporting Caregivers appeared first on Dr Mara Karpel Offers.
Originally Published on https://drmarakarpel.com/
Dr. Mara Karpel has been a practicing clinical psychologist for over thirty years, specializing in working with older adults and caregivers, as well as adults of all ages who are dealing with issues of anxiety, depression–or desiring to create more joy in their lives. She also specializes in working with veterans. Dr. Mara is the host of the Blog Talk Radio Show, "Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years," a program about the social, emotional, and health issues of older adults, caregivers, Boomers, and all who want to grow older with greater health and more joy. She is a regular contributor to Medium and has contributed to Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Sivana East.
Dr. Mara’s Internationally Best-Selling Book, "The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age," is a guide for all who want to live a more vital, joyful life! After all, Passion, Joy, and Vitality are not just for the young! They are meant for the young at heart no matter what our age.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.