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Back to the Future Part 2 – Science’s The Crowning Achievement: Longevity

In just four years, telehealth has moved from the fringes to our living rooms. This blog post comes from 2017, not too long ago, but long enough that it is a disappointment that policies have not changed or been implemented to benefit our Aging population. H.R. 1780, the Senior Accessible Housing Act, was introduced and subsequently died in the U.S. House of Representatives. We hope new policies will gather momentum, and we will see change on the federal level before another four years pass.

Back To The Future Part 2 – Science’s The Crowning Achievement: Longevity &Raquo; Washington Dc 1624419 1920 300X205 1The HomesRenewed Coalition hopes to be an agent of change for our aging population and is aggressively lobbying Congress to make that change. This campaign began early this year when we circulated our legislative white paper on Capitol Hill, which laid out the need for updated homes and the costs to society of not promoting and helping to pay for them.

Check out our website for ways you can be involved or drop a comment with your opinions, we’d love to hear from you!   


Science’s The Crowning Achievement: Longevity
by Louis Tenenbaum on April 23, 2017

Longevity has to be science’s crowning achievement. What is a more important purpose for our intellectual endeavors than more life? Ranking life expectancy is a common measure of cultural and national success.  ‘Achievement’ is the right word but all consequences are not positive. It is not all success if ‘crisis’ is so commonly used to describe the situation in countries where life expectancy is high. We have a responsibility to recognize, monitor and mitigate negative impacts just as we celebrate, or we risk neutralizing – or worse – our success.

Negative outcomes include poverty, loneliness and medical and care costs that threaten the general Economy. Overpopulation increases the burden on the earth’s resources, threatening our planet and all measures of success…including life expectancy. Among many smaller ironies, that our success may be our undoing is also a pinnacle, but not an achievement.

Back To The Future Part 2 – Science’s The Crowning Achievement: Longevity &Raquo; Bus 1868507 1920 300X200 1One of these ironies is that longer lives often means inability to participate in the community and being forced from one’s beloved home. Much of our infrastructure predates extended longevity. Transportation is designed for ambulatory commuters. Driving is critical to daily life but difficult and dangerous with age. Basic home design is outdated as well. What we now recognize as common physical changes of aging were not considerations when the standards of home design were adopted.

Updating our housing fits a long and normative pattern of our economy. As I walked in the March for Science this weekend we passed the White House on our way to the Capitol. Plumbing was added to the second floor of the White House in the 1850’s.  Electric lights and steam heating were installed in the Capitol in the late 1800’s. Air conditioning was retrofitted in the 1950’s.

These changes mirror the evolution of our housing Technology. Rural America was plumbed and electrified during the 1930’s. Furnaces were added to many homes that had already been in use for many years and then upgraded as homes were also weatherized in response to higher fuel costs. Now we are adding solar collectors and storage batteries.

It’s time to update our homes to match our crowning scientific achievement. There is evidence that home updates result in fewer falls, fewer hospitalizations and reduced time in expensive and depressing rehab facilities. This reduces misery and saves healthcare dollars. It may not be rocket science, molecular biology or gene Therapy but it is science, engineering and technology. And it is important.

A bipartisan bill, HR 1780, the Senior Accessible Housing Act, was introduced by  Congressman Charlie Crist (D- Fla.) and others on March 29, 2017. The bill incentives home updates. This bill is a successor to last year’s HR5254 introduced by Bruce Poliquin (R-Maine), also a sponsor of this year’s bill.

HomesRenewed, a broad coalition whose mission is to “significantly increase the number of homes prepared for residents throughout the modern lifespan”, supports the new bill. Updating our homes will reduce the burden on families and the healthcare budget. That is a no brainer. Maybe as significant this bill can help fill our responsibility to make sure our scientific success seems like a success to the direct beneficiaries- older Americans who can then live in their homes and communities safely, economically and with dignity.

The post Back to the Future Part 2 – Science’s The Crowning Achievement: Longevity appeared first on HomesRenewed™ Resource Center.

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Louis Tenenbaum Aging in Place Entrepreneur

In the early ‘90s Louis Tenenbaum was one of the first contractors to focus his remodeling business on aging in place. Curious why, if home modifications is such a good idea, no one does it, Louis wrote the visionary white paper, Aging in Place 2.0: Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge published by the MetLife Mature Market Institute, cementing his role as a leading authority on Aging in Place.

Uniquely straddling the building, aging and policy worlds, in 2016 Louis was named a Next Avenue “Influencer in Aging” and won a HIVE (Housing, Innovation, Vision and Economics) award from the building industry.

Louis founded HomesRenewed recognizing that good messages, subsidies and incentives are critical to market development. The HomesRenewed Coalition lead the introduction of HR 7676, the Home Modifications for Accessibility act in the US congress in 2022.


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