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July 2022 Leadership Development Carnival

July Leadership Development Carnival Graphic

Leadership Development Carnival Graphic

It’s hard to believe that the first half of 2022 is now behind us. And the ’new normal’ we all have anticipated continues to morph as we face economic uncertainty, political divides, and a virus that continues to elude us. There’s never been a greater need for exceptional leadership – and this month’s carnival is rich with insight for leaders who want to make a positive difference during these tumultuous times. Thank you to the 29 thought leaders who offer their insights and strategies related to communication, development, collaboration, and more. I hope you enjoy their contributions to this month’s carnival as much as I do.

July 2022 Leadership Development Carnival &Raquo; Jwg Signature



It Wasn’t the Planes. It Was the Work Talk – Paula Kiger of Big Green Pen

“Top Gun: Maverick” impressed most viewers with its aviation wizardry and the competitive tension among teammates. But it was in a silent exchange that the movie spoke about something equally powerful: “I want to talk about work.” Connect with Paula on Twitter at @biggreenpen.

Finding Purpose in Your Role as a Manager View Larger Image – Art Petty

The challenge for all of us as managers is, how do we access the power of purpose in our role when many above and around us might not be playing with the same sense of motivation? Here are some lessons from some great managers about finding and harnessing the power of purpose in their work. Connect with Art on Twitter @artpetty.

Regarding Rules – Ken Byler of Higher Ground Consulting Group

While some rules must always remain for a society to survive, many of us long for less regulation in our lives. Perhaps it’s time for a candid common-sense conversation about the rules in your business. Connect with Ken on LinkedIn.



How to Overcome Proximity Bias For a Better Hybrid Team – Karin Hurt and David Dye of Let’s Grow Leaders

Find practical techniques for understanding and overcoming proximity bias in your hybrid workplace for stronger hybrid teams. Connect with them on Twitter @letsgrowleaders and @davidmdye.

Does Your Feedback Shine? – Angela Hummel of Angela Hummel Consulting

All employees want more feedback, especially Millennials and Gen Z employees, and using a simple and easy-to-remember approach with eight, rhyming words, leaders can facilitate positive and inspiring conversations that lead to higher levels of engagement. Leaders can use the Shine Feedback Model developed by Angela Hummel Consulting during one-on-one or check-in meetings and work through each facet of the model, so employees can “shine” in their roles and receive high-quality feedback they deserve and desire. Connect with Angela on Twitter @AngelaJHummel.



Technology at Our Fingertips: Intentional Communication – Diana Peterson-More

Today, electronic communications come in a variety of formats: emails, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and websites, to name some of the many. The list goes on and on, and it’s growing in leaps and bounds. While Technology is handy, it can also get us into trouble. How many times does someone respond almost immediately to electronic communication, and then wish she or he could retract it? This blog focuses on tools for managing the rapidity of these communications – which are ubiquitous in today’s society. Read more and learn. Connect with Diana on Twitter @DianaPMAuthor.

Can One Question Turn Around a Negative Conversation? – John Stoker of DialogueWORKS

There is so much power in great questions. If we would ask more than we tell, we would get so much more benefit from our conversations. I was pleased that my daughter had learned that lesson well. Connect with John on Twitter @JohnRStoker.

Building Meaningful Leadership Relationships – Priscilla Archangel of Archangel & Associates

The leader of the past was a person who had a hierarchical relationship with their team. The leader of the future will be a person who has a warm and meaningful relationship with their team. Learn 4 tips to make progress on your journey. Learn why this is important. Connect with Priscilla on Twitter @PrisArchangel.

How to Handle the “Elephant in the Middle of the Living Room” – Lisa Kohn of Chatsworth Consulting

Learn ways to help your team coax out and address the “elephants in the middle of the living room” that can get in the way of successful – and enjoyable – Relationships, projects, and business outcomes. Connect with Lisa on Twitter @ThoughtfulLdrs.

A Tool Kit For Productive Meetings – Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting

Meetings. Love them or hate them, most of us have them on our schedule. In fact, there is a good chance you have one on your calendar today. In the era of hybrid and remote work, meetings seem to be happening at an even higher rate in an attempt to maintain communication and connection. But are these meetings really accomplishing that, or really anything at all? Connect with Bill on Twitter @btreasurer.



Still Wanted: Career Mobility Not Futility!! – Beverly Kaye

Always wanting to create simple ways of reminding busy leaders of the essence of an idea, I suggested that everyone wants “leverage” (options/choices) in their careers and that managers just needed to remember the word LEVER but add an extra ”R” at the end. Here they are exactly as they were written in 1982! Connect with Beverly on Twitter @BeverlyLKaye.

How You Handle Success Says a Lot About You – Frank Sonnenberg

There’s a difference between achieving success and being a success. If you want to be a winner, act like one. Connect with Frank on Twitter @FSonnenberg.

ESG and a Positive Organizational Purpose – Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture

ESG isn’t a legal reporting obligation, but an opportunity. Working on Environmental, Social, and Governance challenges activates your organization’s purpose and culture, improves the bottom line, and delivers easier subsidies, licenses, and funding. It helps to strengthen stakeholder relations, to differentiate from the competition, and to attract millennials and Gen Z professionals and customers. What’s your corporate motivation? Is it a must, a should, a want? Connect with Marcella on Twitter @MarcellaBremer.

Culture Leadership Charge: “Nobody Talks About Bruno” – Chris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group

During a recent keynote, we asked learning partners to discuss the impact of players outside of a “high performance, high values” match. A loud voice said, “Nobody talks about Bruno.” We asked what this woman meant. She described a top salesperson in their company who always beats sales targets – and always bullies those around him. Connect with Chris on Twitter @scedmonds.

Imposter Syndrome: It’s Not Just for Women Anymore – Dana Theus of InPower Coaching

While I’ve come to see the imposter as a friend and ally, helping us navigate the discomfort of our stretch zones until very recently I considered it largely a function of the female psyche. So imagine my surprise when I began to hear men admit to encountering this voice of doubt! Both privately and publicly, I’ve begun to notice men owning up to the imposter syndrome in articles, podcasts, and personal conversations, and it’s now clear to me that the imposter syndrome is not just for women. Connect with Dana on Twitter @DanaTheus.

How Your Brain Keeps You From Living Your Best Life– Marcia Reynolds of Covisioning Transformational Leadership

In order to expand your mind and grow, you have to clearly see the stories you are living by. But you need someone else to bring your stories to light. This post will give you simple tools to coach others to see themselves and the world in broader more hopeful ways. Connect with Marcia on Twitter @marciareynolds.

Leading the Overly Self-Critical Employee –  Jennifer V. Miller of People Equation

All leaders hope for highly motivated, productive team members. But what happens when someone is *too* critical of their actions? Here’s how leaders can detect an overly self-critical employee to help them move from unproductive perfectionism to healthy striving. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferVMiller.

Process Makes Perfect: Helping Your Small Business Avoid Failure – Jon Verbeck

Sadly, 20% of Small Businesses fail in the first year, and over 50% fail within the first five years. Those are sobering statistics given how important small businesses are. Why are these businesses failing? What do leaders need to know? Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonverbeck1.

Lines for Leaders: “I Kept Right On” – Ken Downer of Rapid Start Leadership

Something General U.S. Grant learned when he was a Colonel can help us all find the strength to lead our teams in challenging times. This short story illustrates how he overcame his fear of riding out of his comfort zone. Connect with Ken on Twitter @RapidStartLdr.

Active Listening: 8 Steps to Become a Better Active Listener – David Grossman

Leaders inspire their teams by showing they care. One of the most important ways leadercommunicators show they care is to listen—truly listen—to what people have to say. (There’s a reason we have two ears and one mouth.) Find out why active listening is important and how to become better at it. Connect with David on Twitter @ThoughtPartner.

Turning Disappointment into Development – Julie Winkle Giulioni

If you’re a manager or leader, you likely feel caught between a rock and a hard place on a daily basis. The problem isn’t motivation, tools, or organizational support. The problem is that career development remains inextricably linked to new roles, titles, and moves. But you can get out of that space between the rock and hard place you find yourselves in. And turn disappointment into development. Connect with Julie on Twitter @Julie_WG.



How to Reduce Stress and Delegate Leadership on Your Team – Sean Glaze of Great Results Team Building

Leaders and managers in every industry are struggling more with delegation. With the turnover that so many teams have experienced, new hires are more common – but the challenge of learning to delegate often exists in established workplace cultures. Connect with Sean on Twitter @leadyourteam.

Maximize Flow and Avoid Burnout at Work – Laura Schroeder of Working Girl

The modern workplace has built-in delays, interruptions, and distractions that have a negative impact on productivity, engagement, and Mental Health. Companies can improve flow with leadership development and smarter work design. Connect with Laura on Twitter @workgal.

My Workspace is Chaotic: How to Make Organizing Progress in (Very) Small Steps – Beth Beutler

Small steps can make a big difference in your goals of getting more organized. I’m experiencing that myself! Anything you do today to organize your home or workspace makes it better than it was the day before! Connect with Beth on Twitter @bethbeutler.


And More

Building the Bridge Between Survive and Thrive – Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting

We need connection – pun intended – to build the bridge to meet our survival needs that are evolutionary and adaptive, as well as to help us meet our full potential and thrive to produce meaningful, creative, and purpose-driven work. So what do we do to meet relational needs and build bridges in the workplace? Connect with Mary on Twitter @maryilaward.

5 Ways to Lead with Empathy – Randy Conley of Leading with Trust

People want empathetic leaders and most managers strive to be one, but what does that actually look like in the workplace? In 5 Ways to Lead with Empathy, Randy Conley offers practical guidance to help managers be the empathetic leaders their people want and need. Connect with Randy on Twitter @RandyConley.

What Will You Leave Behind? – Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership

What will you do today to make your Legacy the legacy you’d choose? Connect with Wally on Twitter @WallyBock.

Turning People On to Teamwork – Jim Taggart of Changing Winds

Turning people on to teamwork means creating those conditions that allow people to meet their personal needs by performing the work themselves. Instead of motivation, what drives people forward is commitment, in which their energy is directed towards a goal. Connect with Jim on Twitter @JlcTaggart.

Assumptions to Assurances in the Workplace – Brenda Yoho of Be the Solution Daily

How can we turn our homes, workplaces, and communities from assumptions to assurances? What will it take for us to lead out of the crisis we continue to feel? Walk that walk, talk the talk and keep the promises you make! This will provide all with the data they need to determine the assurances you have provided are not assumptions, but facts they can trust. Connect with Brenda on Twitter @BrendaYoho.


Photos by Leon on Unsplash, Thought Catalog on Unsplash, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels, Fauxels from Pexels, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash.

The post July 2022 Leadership Development Carnival appeared first on Julie Winkle Giulioni.

Julie Winkle Giulioni Author, Speaker and Consultant

Julie Winkle Giulioni is a champion for workplace growth and development and helps executives and leaders optimize talent and potential within their organizations. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 speakers, she’s the author of Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive and the co-author of the international bestseller, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want, translated into seven languages.

Julie is a regular columnist for Training Industry Magazine and SmartBrief and contributes articles on leadership, career development, and workplace trends to numerous publications including The Economist.


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