Listen to the Top Three Questions most often asked of Personal Finance Coaches.
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When Janine Bolon was young she was struck by lightning. This was an experience that (obviously) she lived through, but is the driving factor that inspired her not to waste time by living an unfulfilled life.Janine’s original life goal was to be a scientist and have as many different types of experiences as she could. Janine enjoys helping people achieve their dreams by showing them the path to debt-free living while creating a business or writing books. It is great fun to assist them as they move from living paycheck-to-paycheck into an abundant life! Janine has worked as an analytical biochemist, home-schooled four children, published 12 books and runs an online University. In 2010 she was called into active service by the Thunder Clan. What does this mean? She was pulled into her life’s purpose.That purpose is to teach, write and guide spiritual seekers of all paradigms into a deeper relationship with their Source AND share the spiritual, emotional and physical laws that work within financial abundance.Through her books and courses, Janine shares how-to expand your intuitive gifts as well as help you uncover the blocks you have to improving your financial situation.For the more analytical seeker, she’s been labeled as a Financial First-Responder. For the spiritually minded she’s been labeled as a first chakra healer.No matter what label you prefer to use (just don’t call her “late” for dinner!). Janine is here to share with you how to gather Money, live debt-free and leave the living paycheck-to-paycheck life behind. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.