Thursday - March 27th, 2025
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When Will We Wake Up?

I will normally write something inspiring and uplifting that brings a spirit of joy, peace, and happiness. But today, I must diverge and share my thoughts on the state of our world.

At this point in my life, I have journeyed where my discernment of what is important and what is not seems to be more refined. Having had many of life’s trials and tribulations, coming through to the other side stronger, I know it is not easy for others to do the same.  With the Growth of social media and our minds being malleable to the influence of others, the last few years have created a dangerous path.

Within the grips of fear, Stress, and the unknown, most are not prepared to deal with the strains of staying centered and grounded. It seems many have lost the ability to think for themselves, allowing others to make decisions for them, many of which are life-altering.

The pressures to fit in, to agree, to defend, and most of all to ignore what is within us intuitively is causing damage to the physical, the psyche, and a sense of well-being.

Life has always had those who will use manipulation to control, and I am not being specific to politics. This is about personal empowerment within daily living, in all areas of life.

Watching the unfolding of events and my own personal experiences with others has proven to me the fragility humanity is facing. I told my husband that people are so distressed these days and believe the suicide rate will be increasing. Two days later, a close friend’s son did indeed take his life. This has saddened me to the core, as I feel it could have been prevented. Not so much from the family perspective, but through the responsibility of those who are purporting a negative energy globally seeping into the crevices of every corner of the world.

There has and probably always will be fractions, war, hate, anger, and so on. But my question for today is, When Will We Wake UP?

What does it really take for a radical change and shift so the world leans towards the focus being on love, unity, togetherness, peace, harmony and so much more? I do not know if there is an answer, but I do know that something must change.

If you wish to share your thoughts, please do. The only way to save those who have lost hope and find an answer to a growing struggle is to acknowledge there is an issue that is being ignored.

Eileen Bild Author, Writer, S.P.A.R.K. Coach

Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Co-Founder of OTEL Universe, Executive Producer/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published Author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Assistant Editor.

OTEL Universe -A Universal Voice is a platform to give people a voice for their passions, visions and dreams. Through relationship building, alliances and partnerships, Eileen has built an extraordinary community of like minded people and businesses with a similar purpose to be the light in the world and make a real difference.

Eileen views aging as an opportunity to take all the years of life lessons, learning and wisdom gained, and create a legacy that can live on indefinitely. She helps people tell their stories through interviews, assistance in writing and publishing a book, working on projects that have high impact and real results, S.P.A.R.K. them to take the next step to reach their highest potential and live life to the fullest. Eileen works with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and anyone wanting to live fearlessly, authentically and the desire to feel fulfilled.


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