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Turning Points for the Second Half

Turning Points-Charlynn Ruan-Deborah Johnson

Mid-career and midlife hold many turning points that require an open mindset to change and refocus. So how do we best manage those times? Especially if we aim to make our second half of life even better than our first? This is a hot topic right now for not only many entrepreneurial businesses, but for Relationships and individuals.

This article is based on the podcast interview with Dr. Charlynn Ruan, a clinical Psychologist and founder of a large group practice. She is an expert in mediation and mindfulness-based treatments. Transitions in the halftime of life affect both men and women and we uncover some of the myths and facts as we all enter the second half of life to have the healthiest relationships possible with adult kids, partners, parents, and friends. We cover mindset, habits, triggers, shame and leaning in to the hard things.

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Women at Halftime by Deborah Johnson

Turning Points for the Second Half with Charlynn Ruan


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