Tuesday - March 18th, 2025
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A Teacher’s Teacher

Teachers Teacher- Dominique Padurano-Deborah Johnson

Many parents and grandparents are increasingly concerned about Education quality, as evidenced by the rise in homeschooling and charter schools. They worry not only about the quality of education but also about misplaced emphasis, causing students to fall behind in basic skills and subjects. Dr. Dominique Padurano, whom I call “A Teacher’s Teacher,” has extensive experience tutoring students across various subjects and skills, passionate about supporting their aspirations.

In this article and podcast, we explore the definition of a good teacher, importance of setting goals and current trends in adolescent education and offer tips to help prepare the next generation to successfully launch into adulthood. We expand on the tips Dr. Padurano gives tips for kids in grades K-7 and grades 8-12 in the podcast.

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Women at Halftime by Deborah Johnson

A Teacher’s Teacher with Dominique Padurano


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A Teacher’s Teacher &Raquo; No Cover Large





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