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Should I Look For The Signs? – How to Feel Alive Again.

Should I Look For The Signs? – How To Feel Alive Again. &Raquo; Cardinal

Signs are all around us if you look for them, you will see them. But reading the signs, well that can be a little trickier.

Sometimes we look for signs to support our decisions. Other times we look for signs from a loved one that has passed on before us. There are people who can genuinely read those signs and then there are those who pretend to.

So let’s focus on the signs that are so obvious they cannot be ignored. Just a red light will bring us to a stop (well in most cases it is supposed to), some signs can bring us to a full stop or have us stepping on the gas and accelerating as quickly as humanly possible!

I’ll give you a couple of examples of how signs have impacted my life and my business.

Many of us have had a sign that we see when someone we love has died. Many people associate a red cardinal as the spirit of that loved one checking in on us to let us know that they are alright. But for some people that is too ordinary.

Cardinals are fairly abundant in many parts of the US so is it coincidental that you are seeing one now? Does it matter?

Should I Look For The Signs? – How To Feel Alive Again. &Raquo; Morning Dove

Well, let me tell you that my Justin’s favorite ordinary bird was that of a morning dove. He would mention it each time he saw one. Morning doves are abundant in Rhode Island were I live and also in Costa Rica where we lived. After he died, not one or even two morning doves started showing up, but a dozen would come to strut around my backyard signing their beautiful song.

When I traveled that year to our home in Costa Rica again, instead of the two or three that would normally appear a dozen or more would appear and even our caretaker said that he had never seen that many there before. It was his way of not just letting me know that he was okay, but letting me know that he was there with me throughout my grieving.

Should I Look For The Signs? – How To Feel Alive Again. &Raquo; Hummingbird

The day my former partner died a hummingbird buzzed right up to my face and hovered there for several minutes before flying off. I knew he had passed. It was as if the bird told me..or more likely it was him passing through to let me know and to let me know that he was sorry for how our partnership had ended.

An hour later, his cousin called to tell me that he has passed…yes at that same time the bird approached me and just before he died he had told her that he wished things had ended differently between us and that he was sorry for having taken advantage of my relationship with him.

I’m sure you can think of a time when something impacted you personally and you saw signs or maybe you are thinking back now and realize that signs were there but you didn’t see them as such at that time. Nice you might think…signs can give us some peace of mind personally, but what about in business?

Funny you asked! A couple of years ago (almost 3 now) I was embarking on a podcast, Advantages to Aging. I had never done anything like that before and it was a part of my marketing strategy rather than a business endeavor to make Money.

I was going along nicely, but I was concerned about running out of people to interview who would really add value to my listeners. At the end of one particular day, probably having just paid the bill for the production of the podcast the month before, I asked out loud, “God, if I’m meant to be hosting a podcast, it would be GREAT if people started approaching me and asking to be a part of the podcast AND it would be even BETTER if they where the right people!”

Literally the next morning there were 6 or 7 emails in my inbox inquiring about how to become a guest on my podcast. These were people I had never met before. They had listened to my podcast and wanted to be a part of it! Signs.

Okay, that didn’t make the cost of the podcast any less, but it reduced the Stress of having to find people. Even today, I have a wait list of people who are wanting to be a guest.

Still, no money….but about 6 or 7 months later (probably again after paying the bill for the production of the podcast) I was thinking about how I might monetize some part of it.

That night again I asked, “God, I’d love to have a way to reduce the cost of producing this podcast. I don’t need to make money on it, but just help cover some of the costs would be great!” Next morning I had a meeting with a woman I had met while networking. She was incredible and she was an author of 12 incredible books! We got around to talking about my podcast and she said, “I’d love to be a guest on your podcast. How much does it cost?”

Should I Look For The Signs? – How To Feel Alive Again. &Raquo; Advantages To Aging Podcast 600

Thank you for that sign! I now have the cost of the production of the audiogram I give my guest to promote their podcast episode! I’m now asking God to bring me sponsors who will pay for that privilege. After all, why couldn’t I make money on my podcast? I have an incredible listenership!

Signs are all around us. Some of them are meant for us and others are meant for someone else, but don’t put your life on hold while you go looking for them. And don’t twist them to meet your wishes and desires. Sometimes you already know what you need to do and you just need to take action. A sign is really not needed.

What signs are you seeing in your life that you might want to start paying attention to?

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The post Should I Look For The Signs? – How to Feel Alive Again. first appeared on Advantages to Aging.

Debbi-Jo Horton Host of the Podcast Advantages to Aging

DJ is a lifelong entrepreneur who believes in abundance and that there ARE advantages to aging!
Her mission is to Make People Better.

Make People Better – 3 impactful words DJ lives by and by which Neora was founded. No wonder she is so passionate about sharing this story. She believes that through any adversity we might face we can come out better and stronger. She launched the Advantages to Aging Podcast to share those tips, tricks, and inspirational journeys we all experience so that we might all learn with and from one another.


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