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Last year, I gave a TEDx talk that went live the end of last week. Listening to it again, it reminded me of a subject I use quite a bit in presentations: humanity. 

So first of all, what is humanity? I decided to consult Google and came up with three things:

  • The concept of humanity: Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on earth. It is also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, to be creative and not be a robot or an alien. 
  • What is the deeper meaning of humanity? Humanity is a virtue linked with altruistic ethics, device derived from the human condition. It signifies human love and compassion towards each other. Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than in the fairness found in justice. 
  • What is the main purpose of humanity? Life gives existence to all that exists. Life creates time, space and the cosmos itself. Self is the whole reality. Self Realization is the goal of human life. 

I know that there are about 30 trillion cells in our body and they work together to keep the body alive. 30 trillion cells! Each one has a role. There are heart cells, liver cells, kidney cells, lung cells, all kinds of different cells in the body. Humanity is only 8 billion people. I couldn’t help but wonder, what if each person is a cell in the body of humanity. What if they also need to work together, like the cells in a body do? If the cells in the body don’t work together, I’m going to die. It’s as simple as that. 

Right now, the cells of humanity are not working together as the result of being stressed in one form or another. In other words, people are not all working together for the benefit of humanity. There are different levels of vibration, different agendas. The problems we have are based on humanity not working together, as well as systems that are becoming outdated. 

What is the vision for humanity? The main purpose statement that Google gave me was: “Life gives existence to all that exists. Life creates time, space and the cosmos itself. Self is the whole of reality. Self Realization is the goal of human life.” So what is the vision of the cells of the body of humanity? What is it? How might that vision inform us ?

We need to move from humanity 1.0 with competition, selfishness, greed, judgment, the desire for mono-culture to humanity 2.0 with collaboration, love and generosity, allowance and appreciation of diversity. What if we also stop that interesting mythology we created that we are separate from nature, that we are separate from each other? That is truly a myth. We are not separate. We perceive each other. We perceive the earth. What we do and how we interact with the earth influences the earth. I have heard people say that if the inhabitants of an area have so called low vibrations like anger or hate, that there is a lot more disruption. Neither hate nor judgment, nor separation from each other, fighting each other is really life affirming. If you don’t affirm life, you create a ‘desert’, at least figuratively. 

There is also the fact that if a cell in my body, for instance, ‘thinks’ that it’s alone, possibly even ‘thinks’ it’s the last cell alive, then what does that cell do with its drive for life? It starts multiplying, multiplying, multiplying ……. That is what we call Cancer. This brings me to the movie The Matrix. If you remember what did agent Smith call humanity? Humanity is a cancer on the earth, that it behaves like cancer on the earth. 

The question I have is, with 8 billion people, do we have an objective or a subjective reality? The way I see there is actually no objective reality, because each one of us looks through our own personal lens at the world and interprets whatever happens through this lens. So it is a very subjective reality. People could put aside their personal way of looking at the world and adopt the way of ‘one person.’ That makes more people looking at something in the same way. Does it make it an objective reality if we all agree on ‘one person’s’ version of looking at the world?

What is the impact on humanity right now? If I look at it, there is a certain distrust growing and people have experienced the lack of trustworthiness with institutions. How do we come together in a way that serves all of humanity and serves the life on Earth. I don’t have the answer. Or maybe the answer I have is that each one of us needs to find our own answer to that question, and then live from that space, contribute that knowledge so that we may live and not become extent. Right now we are on that abyss. Which way do we go?

The post Humanity appeared first on Being in Awareness.

Originally Published on

Corinna Stoeffl Mentor for Conscious Living

As a Mentor for Conscious Living, I emphasize awareness, presence, and alignment as guiding principles for intentional living. My mission is to support people in navigating this stage of life with purpose and grace—not just for personal growth, but as a meaningful contribution to the world.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of life experiences and a deep connection with nature, I offer a space where you can authentically explore and express yourself.

I invite you to join me in reimagining elderhood—not as a time of retreat, but as an opportunity for growth, contribution, and meaningful connection. Together, we can explore questions such as:

  • How is the role of elders evolving in today's world?
  • What unique wisdom can we offer in addressing contemporary challenges?
  • How can we honor past traditions while embracing present opportunities?

What if we could live in a world where kindness, non-judgment, contribution, and joy were the norm? Where we considered the impact of our choices on all and desired to create more for people, nature, and the earth. What if we actively created a future based on these ideas in pragmatic ways? Would that be a world you’d want to live in too?


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