Saturday - March 8th, 2025
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In business, what comes first the chicken or the egg?

In Business, What Comes First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

Failing to get this answer right, explains why so many struggling business owners aren’t seeing the sales success and client Growth they desire in their business. Far too many business owners I speak to each week are struggling with not enough clients. I want to tell you as boldly as I can, that the lack […]

The post In business, what comes first the chicken or the egg? first appeared on Christine Campbell Rapin – CLEAR Acceleration Inc.

Christine Campbell Rapin CEO, Strategic Advisor & Business Mentor

Christine Campbell Rapin is an energetic, tell-it-like-it-is business advisor, mentor, consultant, speaker and 3x international best-selling author. She’s supported over 400 companies to create a combined revenue more than $1B and believes business growth CAN be elegantly simple when you focus on the 3 non-negotiable business foundations that build a client growth engine.


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