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Stay Hydrated – Drink Water

Stay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo;

To the Hybrid Boomer – your support is appreciated.

To stay hydrated – drink water! While performing daily work tasks, keeping a bottle of water within reach is a necessary reminder to drink enough water.

Stay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo; Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B0013T5Yo4&Amp;Format= Sl160 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Hybridboomer 20&Amp;Language=En UsStay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo; Ir?T=Hybridboomer 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B0013T5Yo4

Drinking enough water is a big deal, especially for people who drink sodas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but very little water!

Just how much water a person needs to keep their body functioning at its best has always been a debate. Try to drink at least half the body weight in ounces.  How much that equates to depends on your body weight.  At 150lbs, 75oz’s of water per day is needed.  That equals to 9.375 cups (75 divided by 8, since 8oz is 1 cup).

Good Reasons To Drink Water

Stay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo; 300X250.4 1

Here are a few reasons that the best beverage is water – it increases energy & relieves fatigue, promotes weight loss, flushes out toxins, improves skin complexion, maintains regularity, normalizes blood pressure, prevents constipation, flushes bacteria from your bladder, regulates body temperature, and carry’s nutrients and oxygen to your cells. 

Water helps the kidneys and liver not have to work so hard to keep your body functioning at its best.

Stay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo; Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B084Syqdn6&Amp;Format= Sl160 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Hybridboomer 20&Amp;Language=En UsStay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo; Ir?T=Hybridboomer 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B084Syqdn6

Start sipping at 7 or 8am.  Take gulps after meals to wash down your food, during breaks for quick energy boost, after bathroom breaks (how many is another story) and after an afternoon or evening walk.

If running out for an errand take the bottle with you.  By 8 or 9pm the water will be gone!  Having the container helps to measure your intake and it is a reminder to stay hydrated – drink water.

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Stay Hydrated – Drink Water &Raquo;

The post Stay Hydrated – Drink Water appeared first on Hybrid Boomer.

A Hybrid Boomer is an individual born between 1946 and 1964 who is still in the workforce but working from home or a remote location. We are only required to report into a company facility when it is necessary to collaborate in person or for in-person company meetings. We transitioned into this type
of work mode during the COVID 19 Pandemic. In defining a new normal and the future of work our companies have decided to allow us to make this a permanent way to work.


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