We’re Built Expressly to be Baby Boomers most Trusted and Ultimate Source for News, Information and Community.
We are an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our free overall membership accessing all general topics.
Our research shows that Baby Boomers are struggling to find a trusted news source offering the latest and most reliable information on their interests and needs. While they may have found some trusted sources for certain segments of their lives, it is very challenging for them to find everything they want. Not to mention having the time to check all their sources regularly.
We’re here to provide Baby Boomers with one trusted resource which collects and curates all the news, resources and programs of interest to them.
Our Mission:
Our founders are all Baby Boomers – each with individual expertise in the Baby Boomer arena.
Co-Founder & Developer
Steve started his career as a Business Applications Programmer, and progressed as a College Data Processing Instructor, Systems Analyst, Data Center Manager and Chief Technology Officer at a multi-campus university system; before following his entrepreneurial dream as an Information Technology Consultant to nearly 900 organizations worldwide.
Boomer-in-Chief of NABBW
As “Boomer in Chief” of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, Anne is passionate about educating, empowering and enriching the lives of Baby Boomer Women, as we age beyond our middle years and enthusiastically launch ourselves into life’s next stage – which most people call old age. But while, chronologically we’re now all aged somewhere between 58 and 76 (born between 1946 and 1964), as a group we’re not ready to leave the playing field just yet…
Co-Founder & Spokesman
Gramps Jeffrey’s children’s book, “I Don’t Want to Turn 3”, explores what goes through a toddler’s mind that parents are so desperate to understand. It is based on the true experiences he has had with his 6 grandchildren that were born 2 each to his 3 Millennial daughters.
Gramps Jeffrey is the pen name for Marc Joseph whose first book “The Secrets of Retailing…How to Beat Wal-Mart” was written to help entrepreneurs and Small Businesses compete against the big guys. Arianna Huffington read his book and asked him to contribute to the Huffington Post. He has written over 100 articles about small businesses, education, the homeless and several other nonprofit topics dear to all of us.
Gramps and his lovely wife Cathy live in Scottsdale, Arizona where 2 of his grandchildren live. 2 more live in Austin, Texas and 2 in Orlando, Florida.
Co-Founder & Baby Boomer Thought Leader
Rick Bava writes a prominent, influential blog and is involved in key activities to address the topics most vital to the Baby Boomer Generation. Rick Bava is involved with radio, magazines, forums, seminars, and a book related to his work as a spokesperson for the Baby Boomer Generation.