I’m Brandon smith, I spent 5 years 2008-2013 in the Army,82nd airborne and the 1-6th infantry division. My MOS,was an 11C mortar man i got out as an E-5 as a squad leader of HHT Spartan 1 gun and as a expert gunner for the 82nd airborne HHC special operations unit on grey falcon 1gun.
During my adventures and training and travels I eventually medically retired. from the military and I enjoy creating stories and ideas and also play a couple of video games as well.
I my self struggled like many to get out and transition out of the military properly, so I have great knowledge of living homeless and it was a humbling experience and I had to learn even more things.
BUT I have since been in rehabilitation due to “CPBT” back in 2016 I’ve been able to get back into what I like to do is to raise awareness of the things that are an issue WE SEE need more communication on, and getting just one more shot at making my mark or our mark and a real difference in our veteran community ,that’s what I’m all in for.