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February 11th, 2025 Mature Content

Rebecca Davis: Co-Creator of "Join or Die"

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Carl Landau, Rebecca DavisRebecca Davis: Co-Creator of "Join or Die"
  1. Rebecca Davis: Co-Creator of "Join or Die" Carl Landau, Rebecca Davis 47:25

How can you not be drawn in by that title? What the heck? “Join or Die” is a hit documentary playing on Netflix right now. Carl watched the movie and was such a fan of the movie and it’s message. It brought back to him some wonderful memories when he was part of a club that he loved — the Odd Fellows. He was very fortunate and was able to connect with the movie’s co-creator, Rebecca Davis.

Rebecca was inspired by the work of political scientist and author Robert Putnam, whose earlier work, “Bowling Alone” went viral. Americans had stopped joining clubs and civic organizations. Even the number of dinner parties and picnics had declined. His research showed that those “joining” activities correlated to how Democracy is doing.

Rebecca’s personal story is an interesting one. She has had a successful career working as a producer with NBC News. “Join or Die” was a passion project for Rebecca. She worked on this film with her brother and co-creator Pete Davis for eight years, working on the movie on weekends and whenever she had time between her busy NBC duties. Initially they were thinking it would be a short Youtube piece, but it grew into what is now an award-winning full-length documentary that is inspiring thousands of people to get off their phones and couches and join or start clubs. You will be totally inspired by this interview and by watching the film.

• More about Rebecca Davis: 

• More about Join or Die: 

• Episode Content: 

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• Sponsored by How to Retire and Not Die: 

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Carl Landau Author, Podcaster

Carl Landau is co-author of the new book, Pickleball for dummies. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 26 and now in (un)Retirement is founder of Pickleball Media. He has started and sold three successful media companies, published five magazines (software development, winemaking and craft brewing industries). He currently hosts the popular podcast I Used to be Somebody, inspiring 50-plus-year-olds how to build their (un)retirement good life, including, of course, a little bit about the virtues of the game he loves — pickleball.


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