The 7 Stages of the Founder’s Journey: Scaling with Scott Ritzheimer
- The 7 Stages of the Founder’s Journey: Scaling with Scott Ritzheimer 36:31
As an influential figure in the world of entrepreneurship, Scott Ritzheimer has turned an unexpected start into a remarkable career, advising over 20,000 startups and nonprofits. His book, The Founder’s Evolution, serves as a comprehensive guide, breaking down the entrepreneurial journey into seven distinct stages.
Each stage is explored with practical advice and a quiz to help entrepreneurs pinpoint their current position, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand and manage the complexities of scaling a business. One of the core messages from Ritzheimer is the importance of transitioning from a hands-on role to effective management.
Ritzheimer’s perspective extends beyond strategy to personal fulfillment, encouraging entrepreneurs to find joy in their current stage rather than chasing constant upward Growth.
Sign up here to get your free copy of The Founder’s Evolution and discover how to take your leadership skills and abilities to the next level!
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