285.Telling the Great American Story with Tom Hand
- 285.Telling the Great American Story with Tom Hand Deborah Johnson 45:30
Many people who arrive at the halftime of life or even end of a career start asking the question, “What’s next?” For Tom Hand that question was answered by developing his passion for America’s Founding Era with a foundation that masterfully tells the American Story through videos, podcasts, books and a flourishing grant program. It’s a wonderful way to give back and continue living life with significance and purpose. As we celebrate America’s Independence Day this year, we look at the history of our country with the sacrifices so many gave for our freedoms. We also are inspired by Tom’s message to live every day with significance.
Tom Hand created Americana Corner in 2020 to share informative stories of the momentous events, significant documents and influential leaders that helped create and shape our country. Through compelling articles and captivating videos, Tom hopes to rekindle a spirit of patriotism in his fellow Americans and remind them of our nation’s incredible past and why our founding era still matters today.
You can reach Tom at: https://www.AmericanaCorner.com Get “An American Triumph” book here: https://www.americanacorner.com/american-triumph Get our weekly articles & downloads here: https://GoalsForYourLife.com