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Is Your Workplace A Safe Place To Work?

Is Your Workplace A Safe Place To Work? &Raquo; Screenshot2023 01 117.01.00Am

Image Credit – CCO License

If you are thinking of how you can make your workplace a much better and safer place to work, that is something that might actually be easier and simpler than you assume. It will however require that you are aware of some of the essential aspects of making somewhere safe to work, and there might be more to that than you currently assume. In fact, it’s likely you’ll want to think about a number of different things here.

In this post, we are going to take a look at them in turn. You will find that the following issues are all worth knowing about so that you can ensure your workplace is fully safe and able to work for you and your whole workforce. That will lead to a happier team and a more successful business venture on the whole, so it’s really worthwhile.

Think About Your Staff Training

This is easily one of the most important aspects to all of this, and something that you are probably going to want to think about before everything else. As long as you train your staff well enough, you should find that you are much more likely to have a safe office, and for people to know how to keep themselves safe, which is actually what matters most of all. So that’s something that you might want to think about here.

You should train your staff during onboarding at the start of their tenure, and at regular points thereafter, at least once a year if not more. It’s best if you get the professionals in to do this because it’s not always as easy as you might hope to do it yourself, and besides, you will make things a lot easier for yourself this way, while also freeing up some time.

However you approach it, just make sure that you are training your staff as much as you can. You will be happy that you did, and you’ll find that it really helps a lot.

Need help making your workplace a safe environment? schedule a call with us!

Keep On Top Of Unsafe Conditions

From time to time, despite how careful you are, you might find that conditions arise in the workplace which are not quite as safe as you would hope. That can be a troublesome position to be in, and it will require that you are able to do something about it as soon as possible. The more that you keep on top of the unsafe conditions as they arise, the less of a problem they will ultimately be, so that is something that you should think about here if you want to make sure of that.

Essentially, there are two aspects to this: paying close attention to conditions, and knowing what to do when they arise. For the former, it’s good to have as many eyes on it as possible, which means that you probably want to ask your employees to keep a watch out while they work, and to report any such conditions back to you as a matter of urgency. At the same time, pay attention to yourself to ensure that you are also looking out for those issues.

Then for the latter aspect, you’ll have to act fast to rectify whatever situation has arisen. The specifics of what you’ll actually need to do here will of course vary a lot depending on what is going on. But the main thing is to make sure that you act fast and take all appropriate steps as soon as you can.

Provide The Appropriate Safety Equipment

There are many kinds of safety equipment you might need to provide your staff with too, and that is something that you are certainly going to want to think about in all this as well. Having decent safety equipment means that you can much more effectively look after people and yourself, and keep the workplace itself a much safer place. So you need to make sure, firstly, that you are aware of what kind of safety equipment there needs to be in place – and then you need to ensure that you are providing it as best as you can.

That can be easier said than done, but once you are making it a priority, you’ll find that it falls into place soon enough. So that is something that is always going to be important to think about in all of this too. It is a major element in making your workplace as safe as you can get it, and it’s one of the main responsibilities that you have more generally as an employer and a manager.

Train Some First Aiders

Every workplace needs to have a few first-aiders. In fact, you always need to have one on shift at least, and if you don’t then you might be breaking health and safety laws. It is certainly going to make everyone feel a lot safer to know that there is always a first aider in the building, so this is something that is worth focusing on if you are keen to make your people feel a lot more looked after.

To achieve this, you will obviously need to train a few people to ensure that they are able to carry out first aid. This needs to be done regularly too, to help keep it fresh in their minds and because the way it is taught changes over time. Once you have a few first aiders in place, that means you can then arrange shifts so that there is always one in the building at all times.

You might also decide to provide extra training for all staff so that everyone has some basic knowledge. You could have a CPR class every now and then, for instance, to ensure that everyone knows how to do that. This is the kind of thing that genuinely makes a workplace safer while making everyone feel a lot better about working there as well.

Encourage Good Health Practice

There is a lot to be said for ensuring that your employees are all taking care of themselves in normal, healthy ways too. The more that people do this, the less likely it is that they are going to end up in any kind of trouble at all as a result of their work, so that is something that you should definitely focus on here. For instance, you should make sure that your people are all taking breaks regularly and when they should, and that nobody overworks themselves to the point of actually causing harm to themselves.

This is also about encouraging people to stay hydrated and eat a healthy lunch – as these simple things can really make a difference. And if you work to get people to cycle or walk into work, that can keep them fit as well, in a really fundamentally important way. That’s the kind of thing that can make a huge difference to their well-being and health, so it’s important to think about it.

As you can see, there is quite a wide variety of steps you can take to ensure that your workplace is safe and that your people are safe within it. The more of these you take on board yourself, the better, so that is something that you are going to want to think about here in some detail. If nothing else, it will mean that your workplace is much more effective as a workplace and that your people are much healthier, which is good for them but also for the business itself as well.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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