Image by inna mykytas from Pixabay Solo Holidays can Be Fun! Are you dreading spending the holidays alone? Perhaps you’re going through a divorce, you recently moved to a new city, or your loved ones live too far away to travel. With the COVID pandemic taking another spike, you may wish to avoid people […]
“Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death” is my signature book and the first book to reach for when you are bereaved. No one is ever ready to lose a loved one. Whether their death was anticipated or sudden, we are never really ready for the pain, anguish, upheaval, and overwhelm that accompanies […]
Santa Teresa de Ávila: Compañera en la salud y la enfermedad Si tienes problemas de salud o el corazón herido, Santa Teresa de Ávila te ofrece el regalo de la sanación en cuerpo y alma. En este post te comparto cómo esta mujer extraordinaria transformó mi vida en mis más dolorosos momentos. Acompáñame en esta […]
¿Será Violencia Doméstica o lo Estás Imaginando? ¿Piensas o sospechas que alguien que conoces es una víctima de violencia doméstica y no sabes qué hacer? En este post aprenderás a detectar las señales y a proporcionarle a tu ser querido la ayuda que necesita para protegerse contra una relación que le hace daño o pone […]
¿Te preguntas si te encuentras en una relación abusiva? La violencia doméstica es mas comun de lo que crees. Infórmate en este post y en mi entrevista en el programa Sanando el Corazón Herido con la psicóloga Dra. Martha Reyes. Nunca imaginaste que te podría suceder… Lo que comenzó como un romance de ensueño se ha […]
Did you know that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are the victims of abuse by an intimate partner? That means you or someone you know might be in danger or suffering in silence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month–a time to bring attention to this important issue, so we can get smart […]
**Winner of the American Book Fest Best Book Award in “Health: Aging/50+”** This invaluable guide will help the historical number of eightysomethings live fulfilled, happy lives long into their twilight years. Personal stories illustrate how real people in their eighties are living and how they make sense of their lives. Old age is not what […]
Clearing clutter is much more than cleaning out a closet crammed with things or getting rid of the contents of boxes piled in your basement, attic, or storage unit. Most of us have unfinished business that might make us feel like we walk around dragging a heavy ball with a chain connected to our ankle. […]
Gratitude Works is an easy way to access the power of counting your blessings. Through the eyes of gratitude we open our hearts and bring joy into our lives. The daily readings are a treasure trove of memories, insights and inspiration that will transform you.
Lauren Sullivan shares her own story and the wisdom of Seven Stepping Stones to guide you on a soul-satisfying journey to new beginnings and a rich and robust quality of life.