Home Is More Than a House
Home is more than a house; our work is more than a job. Are we treating them with the intentional care that they deserve?
Home is more than a house; our work is more than a job. Are we treating them with the intentional care that they deserve?
We have two choices in life. We can live a life of significance or a life chasing success.
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Divorce is tough enough. When children try to protect their parents from its consequences, the parenting is moving backwards and the results are devastating. Always be careful of what you share with your children regarding your own emotional state during and after your divorce. It can create enormous confusion for your […]
Human connection is more than a luxury—it’s a necessity for our overall mental well-being. Research consistently shows that strong social interaction improves our mental health, lowers stress, and can even contribute to better physical health. These connections become even more crucial as we face unique career, family and physical challenges at this time in our […]
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC During divorce proceedings, parenting plans or contact schedules are usually established to create a semblance of routine in this new chapter of family life. Easing the post-divorce between-home transitions is a crucial factor. I strongly believe in co-parenting whenever possible to serve the best interest of your children, It’s the reality […]
As the new year dawned, I noticed an older woman at my gym. She appeared to be in her late 60s—slightly overweight, with a distended abdomen, shuffling as she moved. Yet, she had made a bold choice: she secured the services of a personal trainer, a young university student, to guide her. That in itself […]
When we are generous, we are constantly blessed. Let’s make sure to be intentional with an act of generosity this week.
Donna Cates, CDFA Divorcing when you have children adds a layer of complexity to an already challenging process. Beyond emotional considerations, financial decisions made during and after divorce can have long-lasting impacts on your children’s well-being and your financial future. At Money Matters Wealth Solutions, Donna Cates focuses on helping parents like you make informed, strategic […]
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Divorce is one of life’s most overwhelming transitions. For high-achieving individuals, the emotional toll and financial uncertainty can feel particularly heavy. Mardi Winder-Adams, a seasoned divorce coach with over 30 years of experience, specializes in guiding individuals through this challenging process with clarity, confidence, and empowerment. Her mission is simple: to […]
It’s safe, fair and endorsed by co-parents, legal professionals and the Child-Centered Divorce Network as well! When alcohol becomes a factor in custody disputes, trust can feel impossible to rebuild. Soberlink changes that. As the #1 alcohol monitoring solution in family law, it offers more than just technology – it’s a safeguard, delivering verified, […]