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Neuroplasticity And Neurogenesis: Their Role In Learning, Memory, And Recovery From Injury &Raquo; 2329

Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis: Their Role in Learning, Memory, and Recovery from Injury

Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis Neurogenesis refers to the process by which new neurons are generated in the brain. This can happen both during development and in adulthood. Neuroplasticity, on the other hand, is the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experience. This includes things like changes in synaptic connections and the growth of […]

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Wellbe Senior Medical: Re-Inventing At-Home Care &Raquo; 2329

WellBe Senior Medical: Re-inventing At-home Care

This Living to 100 Club podcast introduces our listeners to an innovative home-based medical care program, WellBe Senior Medical. Our guest is Dr. Iyad Houshan. We discuss the benefits of at-home medical care with older adults who are faced with multiple and complex health challenges. Our listeners will learn about the “full risk” model of […]

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Recovery: Return To Normal Or Create A New Normal  &Raquo; 2329

Recovery: Return to Normal or Create a New Normal 

For older adults, there are many occasions when a major physical or personal event takes a huge toll on the person’s outlook and potential recovery. The recovery may mean a return to normal, that is, to how things were before the event. On many occasions, however, it may mean creating a new normal. The person […]

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The Psychological Challenges Of Rehabilitation &Raquo; 2329

The Psychological Challenges of Rehabilitation

by Joe Casciani, PhD The notion of someone who is aging successfully frequently implies optimum physical and mental health. But, to me, successful aging also applies to those who struggle with a medical or personal challenge and learn to cope with or manage the challenge. This article explores the psychological challenges of rehabilitation following a […]

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Building Blocks To Better Aging &Raquo; 2329

Building Blocks to Better Aging

This event is a Living to 100 Club conversation between two psychologists about aging well. Our host, Dr. Joe Casciani will be interviewing Dr. Hugh Pates, a clinical psychologist with a specialty in working with older adults. We will discuss some of the central elements for a successful aging journey. This includes how people cope […]

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10 Tips To Help Seniors Lower Their Fall Risk &Raquo; 2329

10 Tips to Help Seniors Lower Their Fall Risk

10 Tips to Help Seniors Lower Their Fall Risk Article Contributed by Carmen Sanchez, Community Liaison of Right at Home, Temecula, CA Each year 3 million older adults seek treatment at the hospital after a fall. More than 27,000 of them will die as a result of their fall injuries, and many more will experience […]

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Changing Brain Behavior With Vagus Nerve Stimulation &Raquo; 2329

Changing Brain Behavior with Vagus Nerve Stimulation

This Living to 100 Club podcast explores the world of vagus nerve stimulation (“VNS”), and the breakthrough industry of neuro-modulation. Our guest for this podcast is Vitalijus Mayorovas, the co-developer of Pulsetto. Pulsetto is a product that targets the vagus nerve with mild electro-magnetic signals. Because the vagus nerve is considered the main “highway” between […]

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A Rehabilitation Program For Excess Alcohol And Drug Use &Raquo; 2329

A Rehabilitation Program for Excess Alcohol and Drug Use

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast discusses the process of recovering from a history of alcohol or drug abuse. Brandon Turner is our guest, and he discusses his own abuse history while earning performance awards for his professional skateboarding. Now, in his 40’s, Brandon describes his own rehabilitation program and how he […]

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