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Janine Bolon

Dealing With Moods &Raquo; Logo

Dealing with Moods

Listen to the Top Three Questions most often asked of Personal Finance Coaches. The post Dealing with Moods appeared first on The 8 Gates. Originally Published on

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Listen To Anger! It Is Your Best Friend. &Raquo; Logo

Listen to Anger! It is Your Best Friend.

It was a rare moment as a parent. I was in awe as the sun shone on the table. I had the full and undivided attention of my teenager. It is such a rarity in this highly engaging world that I cherished the moment as long as I could. What I thought would be a […]

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I’m Not A Bank! Why Am I Treated Like An Atm? &Raquo; Logo

I’m Not a Bank! Why am I treated like an ATM?

This is an email I received the other day from a client: “Dear Janine: What do you do when you have grown children who always ask you for money to help them. I know they do not bring home enough money to pay everything. However, they haven’t went on a budget as I have wanted […]

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Why Should I Meditate? &Raquo; Logo

Why Should I Meditate?

There is a internal freedom that meditation brings into your life that is soon reflected in your external life. It is hard to see how sitting in one place and doing absolutely nothing can bring about any form of a positive result. However, what comes through practice is a series of side benefits that alter […]

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Better Decisions Through Meditation &Raquo; Logo

Better Decisions through Meditation

December is a transition month. Students get out of school, routines are reset and new systems are established. The days become shorter, the sun rises later and winter approaches. This is a month of preparation. And as the fourth quarter of the year sets on our horizon, it is time for reflection. Are we are […]

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3 Simple Steps To Relieving Stress &Raquo; Logo

3 Simple Steps to Relieving Stress

It was the third time in a single day that I had seen a blue heron fly over my head. To many of the Native Americans I work with, the blue heron represents a time to go inward. A time for a vision quest or a time to get near water and contemplate your life […]

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Feeling Stuck? Get A Passport! &Raquo; Logo

Feeling Stuck? Get a Passport!

In 1987 I learned of a clock. Now, this clock isn’t any old 2-story, stone tower, clock. This clock is a moving piece of epic-ness. This clock is so incredible that the Medieval king who commissioned it had the artist blinded so he would never be able to build another like it. To this day […]

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When All Hades Breaks Loose &Raquo; Logo

When All Hades Breaks Loose

The morning started like most mornings for me. I stumbled up the stairs to the kitchen to prepare my first cup of coffee. I could already feel the day’s activities weighing on my mind. The next hour would require some fast typing due to a looming deadline and I had overslept. Great. While mulling over […]

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A Monk, A Psychic And A Mormon Walk Into A Bar… &Raquo; Logo

A Monk, A Psychic and a Mormon Walk into a Bar…

A refreshingly quiet conversation: Have you ever gotten the giggles so bad that all you could do was laugh it out? You know the sort of laughter I’m talking about, right? The kind that leaves you exhausted, belly sore, draped over your chair, and tears streaming down your face? All pretense of professionalism or propriety […]

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Aiming For Targets Not Goals &Raquo; Logo

Aiming for Targets not Goals

How are you doing on your New Year’s Goals? If your answer is, “Janine, they are doing great, I’m on track, making progress and moving along my road to success.” Then keep on doing your thing and share this article with a friend who needs some support. However, if you answer in the negative on […]

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