Wednesday - July 3rd, 2024
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Financial Freedom Meets American Independence &Raquo; Elliot Profile Pic

Financial Freedom Meets American Independence

We are all aware of the 4th of July when we celebrate American Independence, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the inspiring phrase, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This phrase is one of the cornerstones of our daily lives here in this great Republic. Travel around the world, and you’ll […]

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Living With A Chronic Illness &Raquo; Chronic Illness Angela Tipton Deborah Johnson 150X150 1

Living with a Chronic Illness

In this article we delve into a journey of overcoming obstacles to achieve success, specifically focusing on chronic illness. Crohn’s disease is a chronic (long-lasting) disease that is characterized by inflammation in the digestive tract, which can significantly impact one’s quality of life and hinder career and business aspirations. Our podcast guest, Angela Tipton, has […]

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How To Measure True Success &Raquo; True Success Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

How to Measure True Success

The feeling of true success often eludes even the highly skilled professionals in fields of music, art, acting and athletics. Part of the reason is because of the emphasis on incorrect measurement of genuine accomplishment. While material wealth and awards hold their appeal, they often fail to provide true and lasting satisfaction. Another contributing factor […]

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How To Attract Money Into Your Life

Nikki Gajoo-Frielinghaus, a certified financial planner and money coach, shares valuable insights on how to achieve a positive and prosperous connection with your finances — and attract a lot of money Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? In a recent interview on the KAJ Masterclass LIVE show hosted by me, Nikki Gajoo-Frielinghaus, a certified financial […]

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