December 29th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
As we are living longer and staying healthier into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, the question arises about the merits of marrying later in life, or re-marrying in our senior years. As reported in Time magazine, older adults are pairing up in unprecedented numbers, and in ways that are not traditional. Here are some benefits: […]
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December 22nd, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
There is beauty in being open to a new, positive future. I can create a new definition of myself, as I want it to be. I am not stuck with how I defined myself yesterday. Our self-definition is a mental construction, and like any construction, it can be remodeled. There is the story of Steve […]
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December 22nd, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
Here is one perspective to digging deep and finding new dimensions to our self that we never saw before. The famous Renaissance architect, painter, and sculptor, Michelangelo Buonarroti, was highly esteemed for his statues. They were created from blocks of marble and granite. He has been described as one of the greatest artists of all time. In […]
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October 29th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
Authored by Dr. Joe Casciani This is an introduction to the new BETTER, LONGER & HAPPIER GUIDE. The GUIDE is comprised of 12 card decks or modules that have been developed for Program Directors and Lifestyle Directors working with residents in senior living settings. The Directors’ goal is to engage residents in activities, programs and […]
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September 18th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
This Living to 100 Club podcast introduces our listeners to the new world of Peppermint, a virtual clubhouse for seniors. Our guest is Rich Maggiotto, CEO of the company. We explore the opportunities for the members of Peppermint. What are the classes and workshops it offers? How does it bring together those with shared interests? […]
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September 18th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
Our conversation on this Living to 100 Club podcast explores the nuances of “making meaning” out of experiences of older adults. The guest is Dr. Susan Mazer, a co-founder of Healing Health Care Systems, a CONTINUOUS AMBIENT RELAXATION ENVIRONMENT (“CARE CHANNEL”) for hospitals and other health care settings. We discuss the varied perceptions that the […]
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August 23rd, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
Active Aging Week (AAW) is a national initiative that promotes the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. It offers older adults the opportunity to experience diverse activities, exercise, and experiences in a safe, friendly and fun atmosphere. Together, Humana and the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) present this national event; it is organized by ICAA. […]
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August 23rd, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
This conversation invites as its guest Angela Coleman, author of The Art of Chilling Out. This is a conversation about burnout, worry, and stress. What are ways to replace these negative states with spiritual healing, self-care, and self-love. Angela discusses the need for resilience and adaptation. She highlights how important these are today in the […]
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August 9th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
By Barbara Croyle “There are six myths about old age: 1. That it’s a disease, a disaster. 2. That we are mindless. 3.That we are sexless. 4. That we are useless. 5. That we are powerless. 6. That we are all alike.” Maggie Kuhn, Founder of the Gray Panthers “It is not true that people […]
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July 25th, 2023 Joseph M. Casciani
by Joe Casciani, PhD Successful aging, the heart of the Living to 100 Club, involves a certain resolve to not worry about things we cannot control, a focus on things we can do instead of cannot do, and many other changes in our thinking. As I like to say, it’s rarely a smooth road ahead […]
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