Wednesday - June 26th, 2024
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Private equity firms purchase of oil and gas drilling companies could cost taxpayers billions in cleanup costs, study says

Recently, I wrote about how private equity firms are buying health providers practices, including my gastroenterologist’s, and how they bleed money from the companies, then sell them for a big profit. In 2021, some of the top industries for private equity investment include healthcare, technology, and consumer products.  Now, a new report describes how private […]

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Sensio recalls 860,000 pressure cookers due to burn hazards

Another big recall has been announced that deserves your attention. Sensio is recalling about 860,000 electric and stovetop pressure cookers. The pressure cooker’s lid can unlock and be removed during use, causing the hot contents to unexpectedly splash out, posing a burn hazard to consumers. Sensio has received 63 reports of incidents, including 61 burn […]

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Warning: Don’t buy or use the La-La-Me infant lounger due to fall and suffocation risk

Another maker of inclined sleepers is refusing to recall its dangerous product. Stop using La-La-Me infant loungers because they don’t comply with federal safety standards for infant sleep products and pose a suffocation risk and fall hazard to infants, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission warns. The lounger is an unsafe sleeping environment for infants, […]

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With increasing use of personal care products by men, they – as well as women – need to check out whether the items they use contain harmful chemicals

It’s not surprising that men are succumbing to the same advertising on looking good that has enticed women to buy for decades. The average adult man in the United States uses 11 different personal care products every day, nearly twice as many as 20 years ago, according to a survey by Morning Consult. The survey […]

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USASF Servicing illegally disabled vehicles and double-billed consumers, financial agency charges

USASF Servicing is being charged with illegal practices that harmed consumers with auto loans including disabling borrowers’ vehicles, improperly repossessing vehicles, double-billing borrowers for insurance premiums, and failing to return millions of dollars in refunds, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday . With its lawsuit, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking to return money […]

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Don’t use Carolina Milano high-powdered magnetic balls as they can cause injury and death, safety agency warns

Stop buying and using Carolina Milano magnetic balls cubes because the loose, hazardous magnets pose a risk of serious injury or death if ingested. Tests showed the magnetic balls sold in cubes don’t comply with federal safety standard for magnets, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a statement. When high-powered magnets are swallowed, […]

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Unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices are being used in many financial transactions, agency finds

American companies are using unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices as they sells many consumer financial products, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said in a new report on what it found as it reviews business practices at financial institutions. For example, auto lenders have originated loan balances above the real value of the car being purchased […]

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What to buy and not buy in August 2023

As summer is winding down, you’d think back to school sales would be the best bet for deals. However, it also brings free cookies, tax free shopping, deals on garden tools, and more. Here’s what suggests as the best bargains to look for in August. National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day deals It’s Aug. 4, […]

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