For Episode 163 of the Wealth On Any Income Podcast, Rennie is joined by Chris Quintana.Chris is an International Best-Selling Author and Philanthropist. She is also a Financial Strategist, Estate Planner, and Real Estate Investor with a gift for breaking down complex financial jargon into easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement strategies.
Chris is passionate about sharing her knowledge to help others create wealth and financial freedom.
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In this episode, Rennie and Chris cover:
01:45 What Chris does as a non-traditional financial planner and why she got started.
03:33 Her negative experience with a financial planner that led her to take action and look at her finances differently.
04:59 How Chris started a women’s group for Finance and that led her to where she is today.
09:47 Rennie shares his parallel experience and how what she learned is related to the three secrets of the wealthy.
11:09 How you can make Money whether the market is going up or down.
12:11 Chris shares about one of her favorite charities – The Orangutan Foundation.
13:49 How to get Chris’s free toolkit from her website at
14:25 Chris shares an important message from her book ‘The Less You Know, The More They Make’.
“And she told me really simply in layman’s terms.And I got so frustrated, I got so mad, you know, I’m just like, why can’t they say that?And she said, well, if they said it like that, people wouldn’t need financial advisors.If we learned financial Education in school… there’s so many things that are so simple. You don’t have to make a lot of money to become financially free.And that made me angry. But in a way I realized that all of this was kind of was a blessing in disguise, because I wouldn’t be where I’m at now if it weren’t for being taken advantage of and having to start learning these things. Because these things aren’t taught to us in school.And then having her as mentor, and showing me and explaining to me what things meant and made it so where I could go and teach people.” – Chris Quintana
To get Chris’s free toolkit visit
To learn more about Chris visit
If you’d like to know how books, movies, and society programs you to be poor, and what the cure is visit You’ll hear Rennie’s TEDx talk and can request a free 27-page Roadmap to Complete Financial Choice® and receive a weekly email with tips, techniques, or inspiration around your business or money.
AND if you’d like to see how you can increase your wealth and donate to the causes that touch your heart. Please check out our affordable program ‘Wealth with Purpose’.
Rennie’s Books and Programs
Wealth with Purpose:
Rennie’s 9 Days to Financial Freedom program:
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