1. The Fallible Man Podcast Trailer The Fallible Man 0:37

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your ultimate destination for men seeking to improve themselves as husbands, fathers, and individuals. Our mission is to provide valuable content that inspires men to unlock their full potential and excel in every aspect of their lives. As we believe that men play a crucial role in shaping society and the world, we are committed to empowering men at any stage of their journey. Our show features insightful conversations with leading experts, authors, and entrepreneurs who share practical tips and actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals. Tune in on Wednesdays for our guest shows, and on Fridays for shorter and concise solo episodes. Join us and start building your toolbox today to unleash your full potential and take your life to the next level!

David Dowlen Relationship and Personal Development Coach

My name is Brent and I am an entrepreneur mostly known for being a Men’s Relationship & Personal Development Coach, the Host of The Fallible Man Podcast, a Speaker, Personal Trainer and an Event Coordinator.